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Thursday, 4 April 2024

MoussaDr Mohamed Moussa, Lecturer in Law at Murray Edwards College Cambridge, has been selected for the CRASSH Early Career Fellowship Lent 2025.

During the fellowship, Dr Moussa will finalise a monograph investigating the distribution of powers within federal and supranational constitutional systems. In particular, he will look at how different divisions of power influence the protection of divisive human rights. When do our human rights protections help to find a consensus that protects rights and when do they fail, leading to polarisation?

The project spans multiple comparative jurisdictions, including the EU and the US and a range of human rights, from minority rights to bioethics.

Mohamed’s work has been featured in leading journals including the German Law Journal, Public Law, Cambridge Yearbook for European Legal Studies and Maastricht Journal for European and Comparative Law. He is also the co-editor of Edward Elgar’s forthcoming Handbook on Judging and the Judiciary.

For more information on Dr Moussa's research, please refer to his Faculty profile.
