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Education CV

FHEA, PhD (Cambridge), MPhil (CUPL), LLB (CUPL)

Teaching Associate, University of Cambridge

      Teach Company Law (supervisions), Corporate Finance (workshops), Corporate Governance (workshops)

      Serve as Undergraduate Law Admissions Interviewer

Harvard Law School - Cambridge Law Faculty, Academic Exchange Scholar

Formerly, Chinese Judge (Beijing), Barrister (Beijing), In-house Lawyer (Alibaba)



Fields of research

Company Law, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Private Equity, Capital Markets and Financial Regulation, Law and Economics, Commercial Law


Representative Publications

Journal Article: Fa Chen, ‘The comprehensive implementation of the registration-based system of IPO regulation in China: Practice, progress, problems and prospects' (2024) 32 Asia Pacific Law Review (SSCI).

                          Fa Chen, 'Does the dual-class share structure help stock markets attract issuers? Empirical lessons from global financial centres' (2023) 43 Legal Studies 159, 159-178 (SSCI).

                          Fa Chen, 'The Chinese-style securities class action mechanism for investor protection: Context, content, comparison and consequence' (2022) 30 Asia Pacific Law Review 287, 287-308 (SSCI).

                          Fa Chen, 'Reshaping the Stock Market to Accommodate Chinese Business Giants: The Reintroduction of Weighted Voting Shares in Hong Kong’ (2022) 52 Hong Kong Law Journal 487, 487-512 (SSCI).

                          Fa Chen, 'Variable interest entity structures in China: Are legal uncertainties and risks to foreign investors part of China's regulatory policy?' (2021) 29 Asia Pacific Law Review 1, 1-24 (SSCI).

                          Fa Chen, 'To be or not to be? -An Empirical Study on Dual-class Share Structure of US Listed Chinese Companies' (2017) 16 Journal of International Business & Law 215, 215-248

Book Chapter:  Fa Chen, 'China in the International Commercial Dispute Resolution Arena: The Establishment of the China International Commercial Court', in S Jia et al (eds) Commercial and Maritime Law in China and Europe (Routledge 2022)

Case Note: Fa Chen, 'The Differences between Serious Physical Hurt Caused by Domestic Violence and That Caused by Intentional Injury in Legal Outcome' in Ermei Huang (ed), The Supreme Court of China: Guiding Cases Involving Domestic Violence (People's Court Press 2015) 118-123.

Case Report: Fa Chen, 'Case Report: The Domestic Violence Committed by the Accused Mrs Cai' (2013) 1 Gazette of Beijing High People's Court 11, 11-13. This case report was subsequently compiled in The Supreme Court of China Official Journal: Selected Case Reports (People's Court Press 2016, Issue 4), 66-68.

Blog Post: Fa Chen, 'Reintroducing the dual-class share structure in Hong Kong: For a balance between market openness and investor protection', November 2023, Oxford Business Law Blog,

                  Fa Chen, 'Do Dual-Class Structures Help Stock Markets Attract Listings?’, October 2023, Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog,

                  Fa Chen, 'China's recent regulation of variable interest entity structures has led to a drop in Chinese companies' US listings' April 2022, Oxford Business Law Blog (OBLB),

Presentation: Harvard Law School, Institute for Global Law & Policy (IGLP) 2018 Conference, presentation: 'A Critique of the Potential Impact of Trade-Related Measures on Environmental Governance: With Special Reference to the EU and the US'.

                       European China Law Studies Association (ECLS) 2018 Conference, presentation: 'How Will China's Multilateralism Impact Global Trade?'.

                       Asian IP International Forum 2017 Conference: 'IP Route and Strategies for Enterprises, under New International Situation'. Presentation: 'How to Apply the Principle of Safe Harbour to the Usage of Internet Copyright?'.