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Current students

Information for current students is provided for Tripos, LLM, MCL and PhD students on the University VLE Moodle.

If you have any problems or queries about Moodle please contact the Faculty's Moodle Coordinator Daniel Bates (, or for more general issues, the following people:

  • Tripos: Your College Director of Studies
  • LLM/MCL: Administrators – In the first instance please contact Amy Fletcher ( failing which please contact Suzanne Wade (
  • PhD: Administrators – In the first instance please contact Katie Russell ( failing which please contact Alison Hirst (

Prospective students

Reading a degree at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Law offers an intellectually challenging and rewarding experience, undertaken in a uniquely inspiring environment and rigorously taught and guided by some of the world's leading experts.

If you are interested in learning more about the various courses available, and how to apply to study at the Faculty, please refer to the information below:

The BA Tripos undergraduate degree

The undergraduate BA Tripos Law Degree websiteThe undergraduate Law Degree at Cambridge is intended to give a thorough grounding in the principles of Law viewed from an academic rather than a vocational perspective. The emphasis is on principle and technique, reasoning and explanation. There are opportunities to study the history of Law, and to consider the subject in its wider social context.

Although most undergraduates who read Law do so with the intention of practising, the course also provides an excellent broad education for those who do not.

Full details concerning the undergraduate BA Law Degree for those considering applying are available on the BA Tripos website.

The BA Tripos website includes information about the courses available, teaching, the Colleges, open days, the Exploring Law Conference, the Sutton Trust Summer School in Law amongst many other sources of information for applicants.

Once you have learned about the BA Tripos Law Degree at Cambridge, you can find out more about the course and admission requirements (including the LNAT) from the Cambridge Admissions Office website.

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The Cambridge Master of Law (LLM) degree

The Master of Law LLM websiteThe Law Faculty at Cambridge offers a world-renowned, internationally respected LLM (Master of Law) programme. The one year taught course offers highly qualified and intellectually outstanding students the opportunity of pursuing their legal studies at an advanced level in a challenging - but supportive - environment.

The LLM course, with its rich historical traditions, attracts students of the highest calibre, from both common law and civil law jurisdictions. It is intended for those wishing to pursue further legal studies after completing their first degree in law, including those who are considering an academic career or intending to practise law and those taking a career break seeking to broaden their intellectual horizons.

The minimum entry requirement for the LLM is normally a First Class degree in law from a UK University, or the equivalent from an overseas institution.

Full details concerning the LLM for those considering applying are available on the LLM website.

In addition the University Graduate Studies Prospectus is available from the University website.

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The Cambridge Masters Degree in Corporate Law (MCL) degree

The Masters Degree in Corporate Law MCL websiteThe MCL is a full-time nine month programme that provides students with the opportunity to study aspects of corporate law in depth from a theoretical and practical perspective. Full details concerning the MCL are available on the MCL website.

The website has been designed to provide full information to those who might be interested in joining the MCL and to those preparing an application. The website accordingly is oriented around three basic themes: 1) Why the MCL? 2) The MCL in Detail 3) Joining the MCL.

For those interested in finding out more about the MCL, the entire website merits investigation. Themes likely to be of interest to those first acquainting themselves with the programme are likely to be:

The website will be updated regularly to take into account fresh developments, so those interested in the MCL should check out the website periodically to find out about breaking news.

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Postgraduate Research (MLitt / PhD) degree

Cambridge PhD Research Doctorate in Law

The University offers two research degrees in Law: the MLitt or the PhD. Candidates are registered, in the first instance, for the Certificate of Postgraduate Study in Legal Studies and, at the end of the first year, are required to submit three items for a progress review: the personal progress log, a 15,000 word dissertation, and a short explanation of the proposed topic of PhD or MLitt research. The first-year progress review is undertaken by two assessors, normally the supervisor and another member of the Faculty of Law. An oral examination is held and, if candidates successfully complete the requirements of the Certificate and the first year progress review, they are retrospectively registered for either the MLitt or the PhD.

Candidates registered for the MLitt are required to submit, after two years of research, a dissertation not exceeding 60,000 words inclusive of footnotes but exclusive of appendices and bibliography. Candidates registered for the PhD are required to submit, after three years of research, a dissertation not exceeding 80,000 words exclusive of footnotes, appendices and bibliography but subject to an overall word limit of 100,000 words exclusive of bibliography. The candidate is required to attend an oral examination. It is also possible to undertake the PhD and the MLitt on a part-time basis. For further information, please refer to the Course Directory on the Postgraduate Admissions Office website.

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PhD under Special Regulations

Equal in status to the PhD taken by the conventional route, except that the eligible candidate submits a collection of published works that together make up a single coherent thesis. The works are assessed by two examiners in the same way as for the conventional PhD.

Details on the eligibility criteria and the application process can be found on the Cambridge Students website.

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LLD (Higher Doctorate)

The level of attainment for a Higher Doctorate is substantially higher than that required for the PhD degree, reflecting sustained academic achievement at the highest level. For this reason, a successful candidate should normally have a record of scholarly endeavour covering a decade or more ("sustained"), and which in the aggregate is world‐leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour ("at the highest level").

Details on the eligibility criteria and the application process can be found on the Cambridge Students website.

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MPhil in Criminology

Further information about the MPhil in Criminology may be obtained from the Institute of Criminology website.

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