University Assistant Professor in Law and Technology
I'm generally interested in critical, interdisciplinary work on questions of power, political economy, and the law around internet platforms and informational capitalism, technological supply chains and infrastructures, and AI and automated decision-making. I am particularly interested in law’s constitutive role in informational capitalism, how legal frameworks (such as data protection) intersect with complex technological systems and with tech industry business models, and how law can better address these questions to more effectively regulate digital technologies in future.
Research centres and interest groups
CV / Biography
I am Assistant Professor in Law and Technology in the Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge, where I'm Deputy Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law and a Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law. I'm also a member of the Microsoft Cloud Computing Research Centre, and a Research Affiliate of the Minderoo Centre for Technology and Democracy. Before joining the Law Faculty, I was a Senior Research Associate in the Computer Science Department at Cambridge as part of the Compliant & Accountable Systems research group. I hold a PhD in Law and an LLM in Law and Governance from Queen’s University, Belfast. For my PhD, I studied the use of machine learning in commercial and state internet surveillance, and the impact of these related forms of surveillance on people and society.
For the 2024-25 academic year, I am convening the LLM paper 'Law, Technology & Society', and will also lecture on the LLM paper 'Personal Information Law' as well as the undergraduate constitutional law paper.
I am open to supervising PhDs on topics related to law and the political economy of informational capitalism, particularly around cloud computing, AI and automated decision-making, data and data governance, and platform governance. Emails from prospective students wanting to work on topics related to crypto, blockchain, IP, or AI in legal practice or the legal system will be ignored.
Handbook on Public Policy and Artificial Intelligence (ed), 2024)

"The tensions of data sharing for human rights: A modern slavery case study" 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountabiity, and Transparency (ACM FAccT '24)
"Understanding accountability in algorithmic supply chains" 2023 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT '23)
"Out of Context: Algorithmic Fairness in “Artificial Intelligence as a Service”" 2023 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI '23)
"Disclosure by Design: Document engineering for meaningful data disclosures" 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT '22)
"From Transparency to Accountability of Intelligent Systems – moving beyond aspirations" (2022) Data and Policy 4
"Algorithmic Censorship by Social Platforms: Power and Resistance" (2021) Philosophy & Technology 34
"Artificial Intelligence as a Service: Legal Responsibilities, Liabilities, and Policy Challenges" (2021) Computer Law & Security Review 42
"Data Protection and Tech Startups: The Need for Attention, Support, and Scrutiny" (2021) Policy & Internet
"Principles for the Socially Responsible Use of Conservation Monitoring Technology and Data" (2021) Conservation Science and Practice
"Reviewable Automated Decision-Making: A Framework for Accountable Algorithmic Systems" 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT '21)
"Differential Tweetment: Mitigating Racial Dialect Bias in Harmful Tweet Detection" 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT '21)
"Enclaves in the Clouds: Legal Considerations and Broader Implications" (2021) ACM Queue 18(6)
"Personal information management systems: a user-centric privacy utopia?" (2020) Internet Policy Review 9(4)
"Decentralised Data Processing: Personal Data Stores and the GDPR" (2020) International Data Privacy Law 10(4)
"Reviewable Automated Decision-Making" (2020) Computer Law & Security Review
"Centring the Rule of Law in the Digital State" (2020) IEEE Computer 53
"What Lies Beneath: Transparency in Online Services Supply Chains" (2020) Journal of Cyber Policy
"Monitoring Misuse for Accountable ‘Artificial Intelligence as a Service'" 2020 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES '20)
"Consequences for Manufacturing Transparency? Facebook, Twitter and the German Network Enforcement Act" 2020 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT* '20)
"Regulating Recommending: Motivations, Considerations, and Principles" (2019) European Journal of Law & Technology
"The Security Implications of Data Subject Rights" (2019) IEEE Security & Privacy 17(6)
"Administrative Law and the Machines of Government: Judicial Review of Automated Public-Sector Decision-Making" (2019) Legal Studies 39
"Decision Provenance: Harnessing data flow for accountable systems" (2019) IEEE Access 7
"Reclaiming Data: Overcoming App Identification Barriers for Exercising Data Protection Rights" Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud and Pervasive Computing (IoT) [CLaw-18], UbiComp/ISWC’18 Adjunct
"Accountability in the IoT: Systems, Law, and Ways Forward" (2018) IEEE Computer 51(7)
"Casting the Dragnet: Communications Data Retention Under the Investigatory Powers Act" (2018) Public Law
Book Chapters
"Governance and interdependence in data-driven supply chains" in Fleur Johns, Gavin Sullivan, and Dimitri Van Den Meerssche (ed(s)), Global Governance by Data: Infrastructures of Algorithmic Rule), forthcoming
"Accounting for Context in AI Technologies" (with Jatinder Singh) in Regine Paul, Emma Carmel, and Jennifer Cobbe (ed(s)), Hanbook on Public Policy and Artificial Intelligence, 2024)
"Defining the scope of AI ADM system risk assessment" (with Michelle Seng Ah Lee, Jennifer Cobbe, Heleen Janssen, and Jatinder Singh ) in Eleni Kosta, Ronald Leenes, and Irene Kamara (ed(s)), Research Handbook on EU Data Protection Law (Elgar, 2022)