Professor of International Law
Research centres and interest groups
CV / Biography
Prof Lorand Bartels MBE is Professor of International Law in the Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge, where he teaches international law, including WTO law. He holds degrees in English literature and law from the University of New South Wales (1996) and a PhD in law from the European University Institute (2002). He was appointed MBE in the 2022 Queen's New Year Honours List for services to UK trade policy.
Prof Bartels is a general editor of the Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law Series (CUP), and an editorial board member of several journals, including the Journal of International Economic Law, Journal of World Trade and Legal Issues of Economic Integration. He also helped to establish the Society of International Economic Law.
Prof Bartels practises international and trade law as counsel at Freshfields, and has advised on WTO and FTA law, as well on general international law and EU law, for a number of countries, NGOs, international organizations, and the private sector.
Prof Bartels has been appointed to several public bodies. He is the Chair of the UK's Trade and Agricultural Commission advising the Government and Parliament on the impact of new FTAs on the maintenance of UK animal and plant health, environmental and animal welfare standards, which has since advised on the UK-Australia and UK-New Zealand FTAs. He is also a member of the Steering Board of the UK's National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which is concerned with business and human rights. He also serves on the roster of arbitrators for disputes under the 2020 UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
Exceptions in International Law (ed) (Oxford University Press, 2020)

Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements (ed) (CUP, 2015) 2nd Edition

The Regulation of Goods, Library of Essays on International Trade Law and Policy (Vol 2) (2013) (with Federico Ortino) (eds) (Ashgate, 2013)
Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO Legal System (with Federico Ortino) (eds) (OUP, 2006)

Bartels, Human Rights Conditionality in the EU's International Agreements (2005) (OUP, 2005)

"Exiting the Energy Charter Treaty under the Law of Treaties" (2023) 34 Kings Law Journal
"International Economic Law and Human Rights: Friends, Enemies or Frenemies?" (2016) 7 European Yearbook of European Law 485-492
"The Relationship between the WTO Agriculture Agreement and the SCM Agreement" (2016) 50 Journal of World Trade 7-20
"The Chapeau of the General Exceptions in the WTO GATT and GATS Agreements" (2015) 109 American Journal of International Law 95-125
"The EU’s Human Rights Obligations in Relation to Policies with Extraterritorial Effects" (2014) 25 European Journal of International Law 1071-91
"Making WTO Dispute Settlement Work for African Countries: An Evaluation of Current Proposals for Reforming the DSU" (2013) 6 Law and Development Review 547-66
"Human Rights and Sustainable Development Obligations in EU Free Trade Agreements" (2013) 40 Legal Issues of Economic Integration 297-314
"Procedural Aspects of Shared Responsibility in the WTO Dispute Settlement System" (2013) 4 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 343-359
"The WTO Legality of the Application of the EU’s Emission Trading System to Aviation (also published in Lim and Mercurio, below)" (2012) 23 European Journal of International Law 429-67 (also published in Lim and Mercurio (eds), below)
"Withdrawing Provisional Application of Treaties: Has the EU Made a Mistake?" (2012) 1 Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law 112-18
"Binding Tariff Preferences for Developing Countries under Article II GATT" (2010) 13 Journal of International Economic Law 969-995 (co-authored with Christian Häberli)
"Interim Agreements under Article XXIV GATT" (2009) 8 World Trade Review 339-350
"The WTO Legality of the EU's GSP+ Arrangement" (2007) 10 Journal of International Economic Law 869-886
"The Trade and Development Policy of the European Union" (2007) 18 European Journal of International Law 715-56 (also published in Cremona (ed), below)
"The Legality of the EC's Mutual Recognition Clause under WTO Law" (2005) 8 Journal of International Economic Law 691-720 (also published in Nic Shuibhne (ed), below)
"The Separation of Powers in the WTO: How to Avoid Judicial Activism" (2004) 53 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 861-895
"A Legal Analysis of Human Rights Clauses in the EU's Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements" (2004) 9 Mediterranean Politics 368-395
"The Appellate Body's GSP Decision: Internet Roundtable (with S Charnovitz, R Howse, J Bradley, J Pauwelyn and D Regan)" (2004) 3 World Trade Review 239-266
"The WTO Enabling Clause and Positive Conditionality in the European Community's GSP Program" (2003) 6 Journal of International Economic Law 507-532
"Article XX of GATT and the Problem of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: The Case of Trade Measures for the Protection of Human Rights" (2002) 36 Journal of World Trade 353-403
"Applicable Law in WTO Dispute Settlement Proceedings" (2001) 35 Journal of World Trade 499-519
Book Chapters
"Commentary on Article 13 TBT" in Markus Wagner (ed(s)), Commentaries on World Trade Law, WTO Technical Barriers and SPS Measures, Vol 4 (Brill, 2022), pp. 249-60
"Commentary on Article 15 TBT" in Markus Wagner (ed(s)), Commentaries on World Trade Law, WTO Technical Barriers and SPS Measures, Vol 4 (Brill, 2022), pp. 274-81
"Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in the WTO and Free Trade Agreements" in Daniel Bethlehem, Donald McRae, Rodney Neufeld, and Isabelle Van Damme (ed(s)), Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law (OUP), pp. 945-966, forthcoming

"The UK’s Legal Position in the WTO After Brexit" (with -) in Stephen Tierney (ed(s)), The United Kingdom and the Federal Idea (Hart, 2018), pp. 227-249

"Emerging Trade Issues for Small Developing Countries: Scrutinising the Horizon", The World Trade Organization Post Nairobi: New Approaches and Architectures (Commonwealth Secretariat, 2017)
"Human Rights, Labour Standards and Environmental Standards in CETA" in Erich Vranes, Andreas Orator and Daniela Führer (ed(s)), Mega-Regional Agreements: TTIP, CETA, TiSA: New Orientations for EU External Economic Relations (OUP, 2017)