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College Lecturer



Administrative law; constitutional law; legal history; Roman law

CV / Biography

My main research is in English public law, with a particular focus on the history of administrative law (judicial review) from the mid-17th century to the present. My PhD was on the development of the judicial review process in the 19th century, and was awarded the Yorke Prize. My research has been cited widely, including by the High Court of Australia and in the UK government’s independent review of administrative law.




Great Debates in Public Law (with Mark Elliott) (Bloomsbury Publishing), forthcoming

Mark Elliott
ISBN 13:
Published Forthcoming

Public Law Adjudication in Common Law Systems: Process and Substance (ed) (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016)

John Bell, Mark Elliott, Jason NE Varuhas
ISBN 13:
Published Apr 2016


"On the Doctrinal Foundations of Administrative Law" (March 3, 2024). University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 7/2024

(March 3, 2024). University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 7/2024
Published: Mar 2024

"Escaping the Wilderness: R. v Bolton and Judicial Review for Error of Law" [2016] CLJ 333

Book Chapters

"Process, Substance and the History of Error of Law Review" in John Bell, Mark Elliott, Jason NE Varuhas, and Philip Murray (ed(s)), Public Law Adjudication in Common Law Systems: Process and Substance (Bloomsbury, 2016)

Book Reviews

Sceptical Perspectives on the Changing Constitution of the United Kingdom, Johnson and Zhu (eds)

Published Forthcoming

The British Constitution: Continuity and Change, Qvortrup (ed) [2014] CLJ 193

Published Mar 2014

Case Notes

Re St Michael le Belfrey, York [2024] ELJ 231

Cart Revisited: Ouster Clauses and the Upper Tribunal (note on R (LA (Albania) v Upper Tribunal, CA) [2024] CLJ 6–9

Published: Forthcoming

Procedural Fairness, Human Rights and the Parole Board (note on Osborn v Parole Board, SC) [2014] CLJ 5

Published: Mar 2014

Procedural Fairness in Sports Regulation (note on Cronin v Greyhound Board of Great Britain Ltd, CA) [2014] Professional Negligence 36

Published: Feb 2014

The Prince and the Paper: Disclosing Prince Charles's Advocacy Correspondence (note on R (Evans) v Information Commissioner, Upper Tribunal) [2013] CLJ 1

Published: Mar 2013

Judicial Review of the Upper Tribunal: Appeal, Review, and the Will of Parliament (note on R (Cart) v Upper Tribunal, SC) [2011] CLJ 487

Published: Nov 2011

Blog Posts

Conference Papers

"What's the Point of Administrative Law?" (Cambridge Centre for Public Law Lunchtime Seminar Series)

Cambridge Centre for Public Law Lunchtime Seminar Series
Published: Feb 2024

"'Process, Substance and the History of Error of Law Review'" (Public Law Conference 2014, University of Cambridge)

Public Law Conference 2014, University of Cambridge
Published: Sep 2014

"Judicial Review for Jurisdictional Error of Law: the Decision in R v Bolton" (Cambridge Centre for Public Law Seminar Series)

Cambridge Centre for Public Law Seminar Series
Published: Dec 2013