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Yates Glazebrook Fellow and College Assistant Professor in Law, Jesus College; Affiliated Lecturer

PhD in Law (Cantab); LLM (Yale); MA in Philosophy (UCL); Master of Law (Fribourg); Bachelor of Law (Fribourg)

CV / Biography


Raffael Fasel is Yates Glazebrook Fellow, College Assistant Professor, and Director of Studies in Law (Part IB) at Jesus College, and Affiliated Lecturer at the Cambridge Law Faculty. He specialises in public law, with a particular interest in constitutional theory, human rights law, and animal rights law.

Raffael was previously Fellow in Law at the London School of Economics and he has held visiting positions at Yale Law School, Harvard Law School, the University of Oxford, and NYU Law School. In 2021, he was awarded a £455,000 grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation for his research in constitutional theory, for which he is affiliated with the University of Zurich. He graduated summa cum laude from the University of Fribourg with a Bachelor of Law and a Master of Law degree, obtained an MA in Philosophy from University College London, an LLM (with straight Honors) from Yale Law School as a Fulbright scholar, and a PhD in Law from the University of Cambridge, for which he was awarded a Yorke Prize.

He is the author and co-author of three books. His PhD book, More Equal Than Others: Humans and the Rights of Other Animals (Oxford University Press 2024), has been praised as ‘marvellous, a readable and immensely persuasive argument’ (Conor Gearty, LSE) and as ‘required reading’ that is ‘theoretically nuanced and deep, yet ultimately quite practical in its implications’ (Douglas Kysar, Yale Law School). Raffael is also the co-author of Animals and the Constitution: Towards Sentience-based Constitutionalism (forthcoming with Oxford University Press), and Animal Rights Law (Hart Publishing 2023), the first textbook of its kind, which is currently being translated into Spanish and French, and which was reviewed in the Modern Law Review and the Environmental Law Review.

Raffael’s academic work has been published in leading scientific journals such as the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Modern Law Review, and the International Journal of Constitutional Law, and his popular writing has been published in the Times Literary Supplement and other outlets with a wider reach. His work has been covered in various news outlets, including the BBC, The Times, The Sunday Telegraph, The Irish Times, and The National.

During his doctoral studies, Raffael co-founded the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law and currently serves as its Co-Director. Raffael is also an Associate Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics.




Animals and the Constitution: Towards Sentience-Based Constitutionalism (under contract) (with John Adenitire) (Oxford University Press, 2025)

John Adenitire
Published Apr 2025

More Equal Than Others: Humans and the Rights of Other Animals (Oxford University Press, 2024)

Animal Rights Law (with Sean Butler) (Hart Publishing, 2023)

Sean Butler
Published Mar 2023


"Natural Rights, Constituent Power, and the Stain of Constitutionalism" (2023) Modern Law Review, 1-30

(2023) Modern Law Review, 1-30
Published: Sep 2023

"Recalls, Referendums, and the Right to Free Elections: Is the ECHR Ready for Direct Democracy?" (2023) European Human Rights Law Review 3, 243-259

(2023) European Human Rights Law Review 3, 243-259
Published: Feb 2023

"How (Not) to Break Up: Constituent Power and Alternative Pathways to Scottish Independence" (2023) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 1-27

Shona Wilson Stark
(2023) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 1-27
Published: Feb 2023

"Constraining Constituent Conventions: Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès and the Limits of Pouvoir Constituant" (2022) International Journal of Constitutional Law, 1–27

(2022) International Journal of Constitutional Law, 1–27
Published: Oct 2022

"Less Incorrect Ways of Doing Jurisprudence" (2022) 67 American Journal of Jurisprudence 1, 83-117

(2022) 67 American Journal of Jurisprudence 1, 83-117
Published: Feb 2022

"The Swiss Primate Case: How Courts Have Paved the Way for the First Direct Democratic Vote " (2021) 11 Transnational Environmental Law 1, 201-214

"Shaving Ockham" (2021) 44 Revus, 1–12

(2021) 44 Revus, 1–12
Published: Jul 2021

"Quelle place pour le royaume animal au Royaume-Uni ? Les animaux comme sujets du droit britannique" (2020) 43 Société de législation comparée, 119–13

"The Dawn of European Animal Rights Law" (2020) 8 Global Journal of Animal Law 1, 1–7

Sean Butler
(2020) 8 Global Journal of Animal Law 1, 1–7
Published: Aug 2020

"Grundrechte jenseits der “anthropologischen Schranke”? Die Primateninitiative und das wegweisende Urteil des Verfassungsgerichts Basel-Stadt" (2020) Sui generis, 413–423

Charlotte E Blattner
(2020) Sui generis, 413–423
Published: May 2020

"The Old “New” Dignitarianism" (2019) 25 Res Publica 4, 1–22

(2019) 25 Res Publica 4, 1–22
Published: Sep 2019

"“Listen to Them and Give Them a King”: Self-Determination, Democracy, and the Proportionality Principle" (2018) 32 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 2, 257–280

"“Simply in Virtue of Being Human”? A Critical Appraisal of a Human Rights Commonplace" (2018) 9 Jurisprudence 3, 1–25

(2018) 9 Jurisprudence 3, 1–25
Published: Feb 2018

"Talking Animals, Law, Philosophy—and Beyond" (2017) 5 Global Journal of Animal Law 1, 3–11

(2017) 5 Global Journal of Animal Law 1, 3–11
Published: Nov 2017

"A Duty to Give Reasons in the Security Council: Making Voting Transparent’" (2017) 14 International Organizations Law Review 1, 13–86

Daniel Moeckli
(2017) 14 International Organizations Law Review 1, 13–86
Published: Jun 2017

"Ein Trumpf gegen Trumps: Die Exekutiven der Schweiz und der USA im Vergleich" (2016) Jusletter 1–21

Giordana Campagna
(2016) Jusletter 1–21
Published: Nov 2016

Book Chapters

"Direct Democracy and Animal Rights" in Anne Peters, Kristen Stilt, and Saskia Stucki (ed(s)), Oxford Handbook on Global Animal Law (Oxford University Press), forthcoming

Published Forthcoming

"Des freien Bildhauers Würde? Plädoyer für eine Abkehr von Autonomie-basierten Menschenwürdeansätzen" in Roberto Andorno and Markus Thier (ed(s)), Menschenwürde und Selbstbestimmung (Dike, 2015), pp. 27–53

Published Mar 2015

Book Reviews

The Wrongs of Animals. Review of Martha Nussbaum, Justice for Animals: Our Collective Responsibility (Simon & Schuster 2023) Times Literary Supplement (28 April 2023)

One Another’s Equals: The Basis of Human Equality by Jeremy Waldron’, Book Review (2018) 77 Cambridge Law Journal 1, 230–233

Comparative Matters: The Renaissance of Comparative Constitutional Law by Ran Hirschl, Book Review (2015) 40 Yale Journal of International Law 2, 435–438

Case Notes

Primaten als Grundrechtsträger: Überlegungen zum ersten bundesgerichtlichen Tierrechtsurteil (2021) 2 Recht 61–73

Blog Posts