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Assistant Professor in International Law; Fellow and Director of Studies in Law (Gonville & Caius College)

Ph.D. (Cantab), Hague Academy Dipl, LL.M Adv. (Leiden), Magister Jur. (Sofia)


Public International Law, International Biomedical Law, International Human Rights Law, International Dispute Settlement, International Investment Law

CV / Biography

Rumiana lectures on the undergraduate course in International Law and the LL.M courses in International Investment Law, International Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law. She convenes the courses in International Investment Law and International Criminal Law. Rumiana supervises undergraduate students in International Law and European Union Law. Her research interests lie in the areas of general international law, particularly its sources and the responsibility of States, the settlement of international disputes, international investment law, and the nascent field of international biomedical law. Rumiana's publications center around international communitarian norms and their legal effects in different regimes. Rumiana is also interested in the international governance of science and new technologies in the field of medicine. She has published on the right to benefit from science, the international regulation of human germline editing and the anticipatory duties of States in the field of biomedicine. Rumiana advised and wrote expert reports for the Nuffield Council on Bioethics and the Council of Europe's Steering Committee for Human Rights in the fields of Biomedicine and Health. She practices as an Academic Door Tenant at Thomas More Chambers where she advises on issues of public international law and acts as counsel in investment law and arbitration. Rumiana completed her PhD in Cambridge under the supervision of Prof. James Crawford and assisted him with cases before the ICJ and arbitral tribunals as his Research Associate. Prior to this, she spent time at the Secretariat of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the European Commission in Brussels and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Rumiana did her Magister Juris at the University of Sofia, an LL.M Advanced in International Law at Leiden University and was awarded the Hague Academy Diploma in International Law cum laude. She was a founder and editor-in-chief of the Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (now Cambridge International Law Journal). Rumiana is a fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, a member of the Centre for European Legal Studies, the Cambridge Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences, and a Visiting Professor at McGill.




"Anticipatory duties under the human right to science and international biomedical law" [2023] 28:3 International Journal of Human Rights 397

[2023] 28:3 International Journal of Human Rights 397
Published: Oct 2023

"Gene editing of human embryos is not contrary to human rights law: a reply to Drabiak" [2021] Bioethics 1

Andrea Boggio
[2021] Bioethics 1
Published: Jul 2021

"The Right to Benefit from Science: What Implications for Big Health Data?" [2020] 31:2 European Journal of International Law 665

Bartha M Knoppers
[2020] 31:2 European Journal of International Law 665
Published: Sep 2020

"Regulating Genome Editing Under International Human Rights Law" [2020] 69:3 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 653

[2020] 69:3 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 653
Published: Jul 2020

"Challenges in the Identification of 'the General Principles of Law Recognized by Civilized Nations': the Approach of the International Court" [2017] 3: 1 Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law 269

[2017] 3: 1 Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law 269
Published: Aug 2017

"'Repackaging' Plain Packaging in Europe: Strategic Litigation and Public Interest Considerations" [2016] 19:1 Journal of International Economic Law

Dr. Eva Nanopoulos
[2016] 19:1 Journal of International Economic Law
Published: Mar 2016

"The Abyei Arbitration: A Model Procedure for Intra-State Dispute Settlement in Resource-Rich Areas?" [2011] 3:1 Goettingen Journal of International Law 417

F. Baetens
[2011] 3:1 Goettingen Journal of International Law 417
Published: Sep 2011

Book Chapters

"Beyond the Moral Appeal of Bioethics: International Human Rights Law as the Basis for the International Governance in Biomedical Science" (with Andrea Boggio) in Edward Dove, Vasiliki Rahimzadew and Michael Beauvais (ed(s)), Beyond the Moral Appeal of Bioethics: International Human Rights Law as the Basis for the International Governance in Biomedical Science, 2024)

Published Nov 2024

"Article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in International Investment Law and Arbitration" in Michael Waibel and Andreas Kulick (ed(s)), Commentary on General International Law in International Investment Law, 2024)

"Integrating Environmental Considerations in the new EU Investment Agreements: A Brave New World?", Research Handbook on Environment and Investment Law (Edward Elgar, 2018)

"Compliance with Domestic Law: An Implied Condition in Treaties Conferring Rights and Protections on Foreign Nationals and their Property?" (with none), Between the Lines of the Vienna Convention? Canons and Other Principles of Interpretation in Public International Law (Wolters Kluwer, 2018)

Published Nov 2018

"Balancing economic objectives and social considerations in the new EU Investment Agreements: commitments versus realities ", A European Social Union after the Crisis (Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp. 271-305

"Systemic Integration: An Instrument for Reasserting the State's Control in Investment Arbitration?" (with No), States’ Reassertion of Control over International Investment Agreements and International Investment Treaty Dispute Settlement (Cambridge University Press, 2016), pp. 182-209

"The New EU Competence in Foreign Direct Investment and Intra-EU BITs: Does the Emperor Have New Clothes?" (with F. Baetens), Investment Law within International Law: An Integrationist Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2013), pp. 387-414

Book Reviews

Book review: Patrick Dumberry , The Formation and Identification of Rules of Customary International Law in International Investment Law [2017] 30:2 Leiden Journal of International Law 566

Book Review: Andreas Kulick, Global Public Interest in International Investment Law (2011) 82 British Yearbook of International Law 535

Case Notes

Opinion 2/15: Delineating the Scope of the New EU Competence in Foreign Direct Investment [2018] 77:1 Cambridge Law Journal 29

The Principles of Due Diligence and Prevention in International Environmental Law (2016) 75:3 Cambridge Law Journal 1

Published: Nov 2016

Ahmado Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea) v Democratic Republic of the Congo, ICJ Judgment of 30 November 2010 (2011) 7:1 CSLR 121

Published: Sep 2014

Blog Posts

Conference Papers

"The Right to Benefit from Science: What Implications for Responsible Genomic Data Sharing?" (Sixth Plenary of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health)

Sixth Plenary of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health
Published: Oct 2018

"The Regulation of Genome Editing and Human Reproduction under International Law, EU Law and Comparative Law" (Nuffield Council on Bioethics Conference on Genome Editing and Human Reproduction: Social and Ethical Issues)

Nuffield Council on Bioethics Conference on Genome Editing and Human Reproduction: Social and Ethical Issues
Published: Jul 2018

"The Right to Benefit from Science: Sentiment or Law?" (ESIL IG on International Biolaw Workshop)

Prof. Bartha M Knoppers
ESIL IG on International Biolaw Workshop
Published: Oct 2017

"Arbitrating the Public Interest" (Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting 2016, Vol. 110, p. 247)

Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting 2016, Vol. 110, p. 247
Published: May 2017

"The Regulation of Genome Editing under International Law" (Human Enhancement and The Law: Regulating for the Future (St. Anne's College, Oxford))

Human Enhancement and The Law: Regulating for the Future (St. Anne's College, Oxford)
Published: Jan 2016


Human Rights-Based Approaches to Health Care

Body / Institution:
Council of Europe, Steering Committee for Human Rights in the Fields of Biomedicine and Health
Published: Jun 2023

The Regulation of Genome Editing and Human Reproduction under International, EU and Comparative Law

Body / Institution:
Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Published: Jul 2018