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Associate Professor


Stephanie Palmer's  research interests lie in the fields of human rights, constitutional law and feminist theory.  Her current projects include working on a book on human rights in the UK and a research project on gender and climate change.   She has a research interest in ‘Bills of Rights’ and related constitutional developments, especially in the UK.  She is a Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre and a member of the Centre for Public Law and the Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences.  She is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Behaviour Change by Design Programme in the University of Cambridge Behaviour and Health Research Unit.  

She lectures and supervises students in Human Rights Law, Medical Law and Life Sciences,Constitutional and Administrative Law.  She is currently supervising doctoral theses on a range of public law and human rights topics.  She is a Fellow at Girton College and a barrister at Blackstone Chambers, London. She is on the Joint General Editor of  the European Human Rights Law Review and was one of the founding editors of the International Journal of Constitutional Law (I*CON).  She has a particular interest in pro bono law and has been an executive member of the Cambridge Pro Bono scheme since its foundation in 2000 and she is also a collaborator of the Somerstown Legal Advice Corner in London. 




Human Rights: Judicial Protection in the United Kingdom (with Beatson, Grosz, Hickman and Singh) (Sweet and Maxwell, 2008)

Beatson, Grosz, Hickman and Singh
ISBN 13:
Published Oct 2008

Visible Women: Essays on Feminist Legal Theory and Political Philosophy (with Susan James) (eds) (Hart Publishing, 2002)

1841131954, 9781841131955
Susan James
Published Feb 2002


"R (on the application of Miller and another) v Secretary of State " Max Planck Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law

Max Planck Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law
Published: Forthcoming

"R (on the application of Miller) v State"

Published: Forthcoming

"Mavericks or misconstruction? A reply to Campbell and Allan" [2021] Journal of Law and Society

Stevie Martin
[2021] Journal of Law and Society
Published: Apr 2021

"Public health emergencies and human rights: Problematic jurisprudence arising from the covid-19 pandemic’" (2020) 5 European Human Rights Law review 488-498

Stevie Martin
(2020) 5 European Human Rights Law review 488-498
Published: Apr 2021

"Who Gets the Ventilator? Important Legal Rights in the Covid-19 Pandemic" Journal of Medical Ethics

Drs Liddell, Skopek, Palmer and J Anderson and A Sagar
Journal of Medical Ethics
Published: Forthcoming

"Redefining the Meaning of Life: The Early Release of Life Prisoners" (1994) 53 Cambridge Law Journal, 480

(1994) 53 Cambridge Law Journal, 480
Published: Apr 2021

"Abortion and Human RIghts" [2014] European Human RIghts Law Review 596-605

[2014] European Human RIghts Law Review 596-605
Published: Jan 2014

"'R v. R (1992) '" New Oxford Companion to Law (OUP 2008) 978

New Oxford Companion to Law (OUP 2008) 978
Published: Mar 2011

"'Data Protection'" New Oxford Companion to Law (OUP 2008) 296

New Oxford Companion to Law (OUP 2008) 296
Published: Mar 2011

"'European Court of Human Rights'" New Oxford Companion to Law (OUP 2008) 418-419

New Oxford Companion to Law (OUP 2008) 418-419
Published: Mar 2011

"Public Functions and Private Services: A Gap in Human Rights Protection"" (2008) 6 International Journal of Constitutional Law 585

(2008) 6 International Journal of Constitutional Law 585
Published: Oct 2009

"Public, Private and the Human Rights Act 1998: An Ideological Divide’ " [2007] 66 Cambridge Law Journal 559-573

[2007] 66 Cambridge Law Journal 559-573
Published: Apr 2007

"A Wrong Turning for Article 3 ECHR and Proportionality’ " (2006) 65 Cambridge Law Journal 438- 451

(2006) 65 Cambridge Law Journal 438- 451
Published: Apr 2006

"AIDS, expulsion and Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights" (2005) 5 European Human Rights Law Review 533-540

(2005) 5 European Human Rights Law Review 533-540
Published: Apr 2005

"The Human Rights Act and Labour Law’ " (2000) 58 Cambridge Law Journal, 168-200

(2000) 58 Cambridge Law Journal, 168-200
Published: Apr 2000

"The Human Rights Act 1998: Bringing Rights Home" (1999) 1 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 125.

(1999) 1 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 125.
Published: Apr 1999

"Rape in Marriage and the European Convention on Human Rights" (1997) 5 Feminist Legal Studies, 91

(1997) 5 Feminist Legal Studies, 91
Published: Apr 1997

Book Chapters

"‘Privatisation and Human Rights in the United Kingdom’" in Tsvi Kahana and Anat Scolnicov (ed(s)), Boundaries of State, Boundaries of Rights (CUP, 2016), pp. 233-250

Published Jan 2016

"Regulating Unhealthy Life Styles in The UK and South Africa: Constitutional Issues" (with Tania Voon, Andrew D. Mitchell & Jonathan Liberman), Regulating Tobacco, Alcohol and Unhealthy Foods: The Legal Issues (Routledge UK, 2014)

Tania Voon, Andrew D. Mitchell & Jonathan Liberman
Published Jul 2014

"Feminism and the Promise of Human Rights: Possibilities and Paradoxes", Visible Women: Essays on Feminist Legal Theory and Political Philosophy (Hart Publishing , 2013), pp. 91-115

Susan James and Stephanie Palmer
Published Apr 2013

"Regulation of Political Broadcasting: The Role of the Judiciary" (with K.Ewing, J. Rowbottom and J Cheong Tham), Funding of Political Parties: Where Now? (Routledge, 2011)

K.Ewing, J. Rowbottom and J Cheong Tham
Published Feb 2011

"Roberts v Hopwood:Commentary" (with Rosemary Hunter, Clare McGlynn and Erika Rackley), Feminist Judgments:From Theory to Practice (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2010), pp. 381

ISBN 13:
Rosemary Hunter, Clare McGlynn and Erika Rackley
Published Oct 2010

"Protecting Journalists' Sources: Section 10 Contempt of Court Act 1981" in Eric Barendt (ed(s)), Media Freedom and Contempt of Court (Ashgate Publishing, 2009), pp. 373-384

Published Apr 2009

"Freedom of Information: A New Constitutional Landscape?" in Nicholas Bamforth & Peter Leyland (ed(s)), Public Law in a Multi-Layered Constitution (Hart Publishing , 2003), pp. 221-246

Published Apr 2003

"Freedom of Information: The New Proposals" in Jack Beatson and Yvonne Cripps (ed(s)), Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Information (OUP, 2000), pp. 349-475

Published Apr 2000

Case Notes

The “benefit cap” scheme and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (2016) 75 Cambridge Law Journal 34-37

Published: Apr 2021

The Choice is Cruel”: assisted suicide and Charter rights in Canada Canada (2015) 74 Cambridge Law Journal 191-194

Published: Apr 2021

Protecting the right to respect for family life in "foreign" cases 2009) 68 Cambridge Law Journal 498-500

Published: Apr 2021

Max Mosley and the Right to Respect for Private Life [2012-13] Greek Public Law Journal 27

Published: Feb 2014

Protecting the right to respect for family life in "foreign" cases (2009) 68 C.L.J. 498

Published: Mar 2011

Military Intervention, public inquiries and the right to life (2009) 68 CLJ 17

Published: Oct 2009

Arbitrary Detention in Guantanamo Bay:  Legal Limbo in the Land of the Free (2003) 62 Cambridge Law Journal 6

Published: Apr 2003

’They made a Desert and called it Peace’: Banishment and the Royal Prerogative (2001) 60 Cambridge Law Journal 234-236.

Published: Apr 2001

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