College Contact Details
Room: Warden's Office
Tel: 39122
CV / Biography
David Yates is a solicitor and a U.S Attorney-at-Law and holds degrees from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. He has held appointments in the Universities of Hull, Bristol and Manchester in the UK as well as continuing to hold visiting professorships at a number of overseas universities in Australia, the United States and Asia. He was Foundation Professor of Law, Dean of the School of Law and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Essex before joining Baker & McKenzie, in 1987, as the international firm's Director of Professional Development. He was also a partner in that firm, was the firm’s Director of Strategic Planning and Development, followed by a period before his retirement from legal practice as the Firm’s global Chief Operating Officer. He is currently the Warden of Robinson College in the University of Cambridge and an Honorary Fellow of St Catherine’s College Oxford. David Yates continues to teach and write on legal topics, training and law firm management issues, in various jurisdictions and universities around the world. He was a Governor and Chairman of The College of Law and was a member of the Advisory Board at the Centre for Advanced Legal Studies at the Catholic University of Leuven. He has been a member of the Council of the Law Society of England and Wales, also serving on the Law Society’s Training Committee. He chaired the Legal Practice Course Board for some years, as well as the Foreign Lawyer Transfer Casework Committee of the Law Society and has also served as a committee member of the City of London Law Society. He is also a former member of the Education and Training Committee of the Solicitors' Regulation Authority. He is a member of the City of London Solicitors’ Company and a freeman of the city of London
RESEARCH PROJECTS: (With Professor Otto J. Hetzel): An Analysis of the United Kingdom Rent Allowance Programme - research funded by US Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1975-77. An analysis of Risk Allocation by means of Exclusion Clauses research funded by SSRC 1974-76. Housing Finance Reform - research funded by SSRC 1978- 1980.
David Yates is also the author of a number of articles on a range of topics in legal academic and professional journals.