Affiliated Lecturer
Legal aspects of digital assets/cryptoassets, distributed ledger technology, smart contracts; DeFi (decentralized finance)
Corporate finance law, company law and legal theory of the company, law and economics, game theory, behavioural studies, legal risk management
CV / Biography
- PhD, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge (Supervisor: Prof. Simon Deakin. Advisor: Prof. Marc Moore)
- Visiting doctoral researcher, Harvard Law School
- Aspirant scholar, Flanders Research Council and KULeuven
- LLM, Columbia Law School
- Master in Law, KULeuven
- Exchange student, NYU School of Law
Professional experience
- Slaughter & May Lecturer in Company Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge (2019-21)
- Associate (corporate and competition law) at law firms Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP and Skadden Arps Slate Meagher Flom LLP in Brussels. Admitted to the Bar in Brussels (no longer active).
- Yorke Prize, Law Faculty, University of Cambridge 2020 (awarded for the PhD thesis "In pursuit of a better legal theory of the company - A data-driven, co-evolutionary and multiple equilibria model")
- Winner, Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize 2018
- Finalist, Global Peter Drucker Challenge 2016
- Scholarships for PhD research at Cambridge:
- Vice Chancellor Award, Cambridge Trust
- Arts & Humanities Research Council grant
- Cambridge Philosophical Society Grant
- Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust grant
- Scholarships and awards for LLM, Columbia
- Harlan Fisk Stone Scholar award, Columbia University
- Parker School of Achievement Certificate
- Belgian American Educational Foundation fellow
- Honorary Fulbright Fellow
- Fernand Lazard Fellow
- PEO IPS Scholarship
"The international legal framework against corruption" Melbourne Journal of International Law, June, 2013, Vol.14(1), p. 205(39)
Melbourne Journal of International Law, June, 2013, Vol.14(1), p. 205(39)
Book Chapters
"Biofuels and the Right to Food: An uneasy Partnership", Accounting for Hunger – The Right to Food in the Era of Globalisation (Hart Publishing, 1970)
ISBN 13:
Book Reviews
Blockchain and the Law: The Rule of Code. 78(1) Cambridge Law Journal, March 2019, pp. 213-217
Case Notes
The Intel Judgment – Lessons for dominant undertakings, competition authorities and practitioners Karanovic & Nikolic Competition Review 2014
Social Welfare (UK Supreme Court Annual Review) Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law, Jan, 2013, Vol.2(1), p.103-112
De toegang tot het dossier in zaken van restrictieve mededingingspraktijken voor de Raad voor de Mededinging en het Hof van Beroep (Access to file in restrictive practices cases before the Competition Council and Court of Appeal) 4 T.B.M. (2010), pp. 46-60
DeFi Policy-Maker Toolkit
Body / Institution:
Wharton and World Economic Forum
Published: Jun 2021
DeFi beyond the Hype
Body / Institution:
Wharton, Digital Asset Project and World Economic Forum
Published: May 2021
The regulatory Framework of Crypto-Assets
Body / Institution:
Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance