Education CV
PhD in Law (International Law), University of Cambridge (2022- )
LLM Adv. (International Dispute Settlement), cum laude, Leiden University (2017-2018)
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, College of Law (2017)
Diploma in Languages (French), University of Queensland, 2012-2017
Bachelor of Laws (Honours), University of Queensland (2011 -2016)
Bachelor of Arts (Economics, International Relations), University of Queensland (2011 - 2016)
Professional Qualifications
Admitted to the Supreme Court of Queensland, Australia (2017)
Selected Professional Experience
Research Assistant, Professor Payam Akhavan (2024)
Associate (International Arbitration and Litigation), De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2019-2022)
Judicial Fellow to Judge Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade, International Court of Justice, The Hague, the Netherlands (2018-2019)
Research Assistant to Judge James Crawford AC, The Hague, the Netherlands (2018)
Paralegal/Law Clerk, Shine Lawyers, Brisbane, Australia (2017)
Law Clerk and Research Assistant to Dr Katrina Kluss, More Chambers, Brisbane, Australia (2017)
Research Assistant to Dr Radha Ivory, University of Queensland, Brisbane Australia (2015-2017)
Guest Researcher and Research Assistant to Professor Anne Peters, Max Planck institute for Comparative Public and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany (2015)
Fields of research
Public international law; cultural heritage; history of international law; international dispute settlement
Research centres and interest groups
European Colonialism and the Origins of Cultural Heritage Law
Professor Sandesh Sivakumaran, Professor Surabhi Ranganathan
Representative Publications
‘Inarticulate and Unconscious: Non-Justiciability before the International Court of Justice’, (2021) The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 20(1).
‘Country Report: Australia’ (Book Chapter) in Sabine Gless and Sylwia Broniszewska-Emdin (eds), Prosecuting Corporations for violations of International Criminal Law: Jurisdictional Issues (Association International de Droit Pénal, 2018) (with Radha Ivory).
‘Holding Companies Responsible? The Criminal Liability of Australian Corporations for Extraterritorial Wrongs’, (2017) University of New South Wales Law Journal 40(3) (with Radha Ivory).
‘The Status of Private Military and Security Companies in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations under the International Law of Armed Conflict’, (2017) Melbourne Journal of International Law 18(1) (with Jonathan Crowe).
Book review: The Sovereignty of Human Rights (Patrick Macklem, Oxford University Press, 2015) (2017) Heidelberg Journal of International Law (ZaöRV) 77(1).