Education CV
- Stanford University. LLM. Fulbright scholar. Beca Chile scholar (2014-2015)
- Universidad Católica de Chile. Licentiate in Law. Summa cum laude. Exchange Program at Monash University (2004-2010)
Professional Experience
- Bulnes, Urrutia & Bustamante. Dispute Resolution Firm. Partner since 2018 (2010-2021)
- Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration. Intern (2015)
- Australian Disputes Centre. Intern (2015)
- AMPLA Brasil. Intern (2010)
- Carey & Cia. Paralegal (2006-2007)
Academic Experience
- Universidad Católica de Chile. Adjunct Instructor Professor of Civil Procedure (2017-2021)
- Universidad Católica de Chile. Adjunct Instructor Professor of Arbitration Seminar (2017)
- Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Lecturer of Civil Procedure (2012-2017)
- Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Lecturer of Civil Law (2013)
- University of Sidney (Australia). Visiting scholar at the Sydney Centre for International Law (2015)
Fields of research
Dispute Resolution. Arbitration. Contract Law. Energy Law. Climate Change
Representative Publications
- Australia as Seat for Arbitration: Lessons from the Andes, Australian Alternative Dispute Resolution Law Bulletin, Vol 2, N.5, 2015
- The Burden of Proof in International Commercial Arbitration: Are we allowed to adjust the scales? Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, Volume 39, Issue 1, 2016, UC Hastings College of the Law. Coauthor
- Effects of a settlement between a local company and a host State in a bilateral investment treaty claim of the foreign shareholders arising from the same conduct, Journal of International & Comparative Law, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016, Chicago-Kent College of Law
- Class Actions in International Commercial Arbitration, The Fordham International Law Journal, Volume 39, Number 4, 2016. Coauthor
- Application of the Essential Facilities Doctrine to Liquefied Natural Gas Regasification Terminals: An Analysis Through a Chilean Case, Environmental Claims Journal, 2016, Taylor & Francis
- New Ideas for the Old Expectation of Becoming an Attractive Arbitral Seat, Journal of Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, Volume 25, 2016, University of Iowa. Coauthor
- Santiago as a Seat for International Commercial Arbitration, Oregon Review of International Law, Volume 18 Number 1, 2016. Coauthor
- Influence of the Arbitral Seat in the Outcome of an International Commercial Arbitration, The International Lawyer, Volume 50, Issue 1, 2017. ABA Section of International Law.
- The Tribunal Secretary in International Arbitrations, New York International Law Review, Volume 30 Number 2, 2017. Coauthor
- La prueba pericial y el riesgo de transferencia indebida de jurisdicción (Expert evidence and the risk of undue transfer of jurisdiction), collaboration in the book titled “Mecanismos Alternativos de Solución de Conflictos. Estado Actual. Problemas Existentes y Propuestas de Solución” (Alternative Conflict Resolution Mechanisms. Actual state. Existing Problems and Proposed Solutions), Legal Publishing Chile Limitada, 2018. Coauthor