Education CV
Twitter: @JMieral
Ph.D. in Law, University of Cambridge, Darwin College (2018-22)
- Cambridge European Trust Scholar (2018-21)
Tri-national Masters in Comparative Law (Honours - Eucor Scholar), University of Strasbourg (Masters in Law), Albert-Ludwig-University of Freiburg (LL.M.), University of Basel (Master of Law) (2009-10)
- Master’s thesis : ‘The Judge, the Habeas Corpus and the Detention of Presumed Terrorists in the Framework of the War on Terror : A Comparative Analysis between the United States and the United Kingdom’
Masters in European Studies and International Relations (Honours), Sciences Po Strasbourg (2005-10)
- Master's thesis : ‘From London to Brussels: Crossed-Network and Crossed-Positioning on the Evolution of the Foreign Policy of the European Union’
Head of Industry, Innovation and Legal Affairs, Embassy of France in Germany, Economic Department (2015-18)
- Legal and trade policy analysis, in particular negotiations of CETA, TTIP and the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity (G20-OECD), digital affairs, new technologies, ‘Better Regulation’ programmes
Attaché for Economic and Trade Policies, Embassy of France in Vietnam, Economic Department (2012-14)
- Legal and trade policy analysis, in particular negotiation of the EU-Vietnam free trade agreement, macroeconomic analysis
- Training received on ‘Emerging Countries’ Economies’ at the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance and the French Ministry of Foreign Trade, June 2013
- Lecture given at the University of Postdam, Centre for Politics and Management, Germany (Executive Masters Degree), ‘The French Better Regulation Policy’ (June 2017)
- Lecture given at the Free University of Berlin, Faculty of Law, Germany (Bachelors), ‘The Ongoing Proceedings Before the German Federal Constitutional Court and the French Constitutional Council Against CETA: A Comparative Perspective’ (June 2017)
- Private Tutor, Economics, Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle, London (January-February 2011)
- Presentation, ‘A Typology of Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in EU Trade Agreements’, 3rd LAwTTIP Young Researchers Workshop, University of Rennes 1 (Faculty of Law and Political Science) (5-7 June 2019)
- Presentation, ‘Regional Trade Agreements and the Rule of Law: EU-US Comparative Overview of Recent Legal Debates’, 17th Dubrovnik Jean Monnet Seminar, University of Zagreb (Faculty of Law) (14-18 April 2019)
- Panel speaker, roundtable on ‘The End of Free Trade Agreements?’, Annual Symposium, Paris 8 University (Institute of European Studies), Collège des Bernardins (14-15 March 2019)
- Presentation, ‘The Amendment of the French Constitution: A Never-Ending Story’, 11th Trinity College Law Student Colloquium, Trinity College Dublin (School of Law) (9 February 2019)
- Presentation, ‘The CETA, the German Federal Constitutional Court and the Distribution of Competences Between the EU and its Member States’ and panel speaker, seminar/roundtable on ‘The Future of EU Trade Policy: The implications of the CJEU Opinion 2/15 (EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement)’, University of Luxembourg (Faculty of Law and Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law) (19 May 2017)
- Presentation, ‘The French Positioning on CETA and TTIP’ and panel speaker, roundtable on ‘TTIP and CETA Under Public Pressure – Consequences for the EU and the World Trade System’ (organised by the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt, the Institut Français and the Embassy of Poland in Germany), European University Viadrina Frankfurt (29 November 2016)
- Book Reviewer, European Law Review (2020-present)
- Assistant, Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 (2019-present)
- Student Assistant, School of the Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate Recruitment Project (2019-present)
- Editor, Cambridge International Law Journal (2018-19)
- Summer School on Sports Governance, Porto (June 2018)
Fields of research
European Union law, European politics, trade policy
The Implementation of the European Union Trade Agreements and their Enforcement Mechanisms
Representative Publications
- Miéral, J., “The Court of Justice of the EU”, in The Future of the EU : New Perspectives, The UK in a Changing Europe (March 2020)
- Miéral, J., The CETA, the German Federal Constitutional Court and the Distribution of Competences Between the EU and its Member States; available at https://rsiblog.blogactiv.eu/2017/11/07/the-ceta-the-german-federal-constitutional-court-and-the-distribution-of-competences-between-the-eu-and-its-member-states/ (7 November, 2017)