Education CV
PhD in Law, University of Cambridge (since Oct 2023)
MA in Slavonic Philology, University of Freiburg, 2023
BA in Russian and German Studies, University of Freiburg, 2021
First State Examination in Law, University of Freiburg, 2020
Fields of research
Legal history, international law, comparative law, postcolonial studies, Russian and Eurasian studies.
Research centres and interest groups
Legal peripheralization: The Russian colonization of Central Asia (PhD project)
In my PhD project, I examine how international lawyers addressed the Russian colonization of Central Asia by analyzing 19th-century legal scholarship on the Russian conquest of Central Asia and the status of non-Western entities in legal thought more broadly. My research focuses on Russian legal debates while incorporating perspectives from Europe, the Americas, and Asia to present the Russian conquest of Central Asia as a significant chapter in the global history of international law and colonialism.
Representative Publications
- Starski, Paulina/Wieschollek, Jonas, § 6 Horizontale Bestimmungen, in: Kübek/Tams/Terhechte (Ed.), Handels- und Zusammenarbeitsabkommen EU/VK (2022), 115–145.
- Wieschollek, Jonas, Linguistic and Cultural Specifics of Mind-Wandering in Ivan Turgenev’s Asya (2022) 11.2. DIEGESIS 86–101.
- Wieschollek, Jonas, ‘Riepl, Michael: Russian Contributions to International Humanitarian Law. A Contrastive Analysis of Russia’s Historical Role and Its Current Practice’ (2023) 83 Heidelberg Journal of International Law 177–185.
- Starski, Paulina/Wieschollek, Jonas, § 6 Horizontal Provisions, in: Kübek/Tams/Terhechte (Ed.), EU/UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: A Handbook (2024) [revised translation of 1.].
- Wieschollek, Jonas, ‘Wie und warum zitieren Gerichte Gerichtsentscheidungen? Eine Typologie gerichtlicher Zitationsweisen auf diskurstraditioneller Grundlage’ in Gideon Stiening (ed), Rechtsnorm und ästhetische Reflexion (Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2024).