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Education CV

Education and Qualifications

PhD Candidate in Law – Wolfson College, University of Cambridge (2024 – current)

  • Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust Scholarship (full funding)
  • Managing Editor, Cambridge Law Review (Vol 10)

LLM, First Class - Darwin College, University of Cambridge (2023-2024)

  • Faculty Prize for Advanced Labour Law
  • Senior Editor, Cambridge Law Review (Vol 9)
  • Papers: Advanced Labour Law (Dissertation); Legislation; Law, Technology and Society; Economics of Law and Regulation

LLB in Law and French, First Class with Honours - University of Bristol (2017-2021)

  • Erasmus+ Year Abroad at the Université de Bordeaux
  • Best Student in Law and Languages (2019) 
  • Best in Unit - Comparative Law (2019)
  • Head of School Commendation (2018)

Selected Employment

  • Law Supervisior, Cambridge Higher Aspirations Scheme, Gonville & Caius College (Academic Year 2024)
  • Parliamentary Researcher to the former Shadow Minister for Higher Education, Houses of Parliament (June 2021 – September 2023) 

Fields of research

Labour law; Comparative Law; Law and Political Economy; Critical Approaches to Law; Higher Education Law; Legislation 



By calling upon ‘critical’ methodological approaches to labour law, my reserach will trace and compare the processes by which capitalist social relations have come to be protected in the labour laws of both France and the UK with the aim of comparing how differences between these processes, and their resulting effects, affect the capacity of the French and UK labour law systems to achieve certain objectives.


Primary Supervisor: Dr Zoe Adams  

Secondary Supervisor: Professor Simon Deakin

Start Date

Oct 2024




"The CLC-UKET Dataset: Benchmarking Case Outcome Prediction for the UK Employment Tribunal" University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 32/2024

Huiyuan Xie, Felix Steffek, Joana Ribeiro de Faria, Christine Carter, Jonathan Rutherford
University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 32/2024
Published: Sep 2024