Education CV
- PhD (International Law), University of Cambridge (2021 – )
- LLM (International Law) (First Class), University of Cambridge, 2020.
- LLB, Universidad Panamericana (Mexico), cum laude, 2017.
Scholarships and Awards
- Cambridge International & Evan Lewis-Thomas Law Scholarship (2021, Cambridge Trust and Sidney Sussex College).
- Jennings Prize (2019, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge).
Teaching experience
- Graduate teaching assistant (LLM paper 20, Law of Armed Conflict), University of Cambridge (2024 – ).
- Supervisor (Public International Law, Tripos) King's College and Wolfson College, University of Cambridge (2023 – 2024).
- Graduate teaching assistant (LLM paper 25, International Human Rights Law), University of Cambridge (2022 – 2024).
- Lecturer in Public International Law, Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus (2020 – 2021).
- Assistant Lecturer in International Human Rights Law, Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus (2018 – 2019).
Fields of research
- International Refugee Law.
- International Human Rights Law.
- International Environmental Law.
- General Principles of International Law.
- Treaty interpretation.
- Customary international law.
Research centres and interest groups
Prof Eyal Benvenisti
"Questioning the Legality of Border Walls under International and Regional Human Rights Law" (2024) European Human Rights Law Review
(2024) European Human Rights Law Review
Published: Forthcoming
"The weight of a State's past stances on treaty interpretation – may good faith play a role?" 13(1) Cambridge International Law Journal 41
13(1) Cambridge International Law Journal 41
Published: Jun 2024
"A Melting Snowball – Some Thoughts on Particular Customary International Law" 73(4) International and Comparative Law Quarterly
73(4) International and Comparative Law Quarterly
Published: Forthcoming
"Ratio Decidendi y Obiter Dicta: Matices Necesarios en la Jurisprudencia Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Ratio Decidendi and Obiter Dicta: Subtleties of Inter-American Human Rights Case Law)" (2020) Perspectiva Juridica 13
(2020) Perspectiva Juridica 13
Published: Jan 2020
"El Control de Constitucionalidad de las Políticas Públicas en México (Judicial Review of Public Policy in Mexico)" (2019) Perspectiva Juridica 11
(2019) Perspectiva Juridica 11
Published: Jan 2019