Education CV
BA (Hon), LLB (Sydney); LLM, PhD in Law (Cantab)
Academic Experience
- 2024-2025 Conference Convenor, Cambridge International Law Journal
- 2023-2024 Senior Harris Scholar, Wilsey and Lerch Scholar, Downing College
- 2020-2021 Assistant, Sydney Centre for International Law
- 2019-2021 Vice-President and Treasurer, Sydney University: Classics and Ancient History Society
- 2018-2023 Chancellor's Award Scholar, Sydney University
Professional Experience
- 2025-2026 Judicial Associate, Federal Court of Australia (upcoming)
- 2023-2024 Mini Pupillages, One Essex Court; 3VB; Quadrant; 3 New Square
- 2022-2023 Law Clerk, King and Wood Mallesons
- 2021-2023 Research Assistant, 9 Selborne Chambers
Fields of research
- Private Law
- Equity and Trusts
- Legal History
- Commercial Remedies
- Australian Constitutional Law
- Public International Law
Research centres and interest groups
Proprietary Remedies in Equity
Professor Graham Virgo
"Constitutional Limits on Executive Detention: Common Law, Nationhood, and S 61"
Published: Forthcoming
Case Notes
Case note on Love v Commonwealth; Thoms v Commonwealth (2020) 94 ALJR 198
Published: Dec 2021
Case note on The Gambia v Myanmar (Provisional Measures) (2020) ICJ
Published: Dec 2021