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Education CV

North Berwick Primary School; North Berwick High School; LLB Law at Cambridge 

Fields of research

Legal Evolution; Legal History; Law and Technology; Legal Sociology; Legal Realism 


Legal Evolution: A Study of Contract and Intellectual Property


I am studying the way legal doctrine evolves alongside society, specifically the doctrines of contract law and intellectual property. The goal is to produce a model which can explain the disconnect between legal change and societal shifts; or, colloquially, how the legal system runs on so-called 'law time.' The period can only be the 19th - first, because it's so interesting, second, because of all the information available to produce a full model, and third because my funding depends on my subject remaining within legal history. Tort law has already been covered by my supervisor, Professor Ibbetson, and coincidentally I will be applying a similar model to his when looking at contract and IP law. It's sure to be a blast! 


Professor David Ibbetson 

Representative Publications

Gaius in Cyberspace (I): The Law of Video Games

Moving Past Postcolonial: Rethinking Indigeneity and Self-determination in Southeast Asia

Start Date

Oct 1810

End date

Oct 1914