Education CV
Education and Qualifications
PhD Candidate in Law – St Catharine's College, University of Cambridge (2024 - current)
- Tunku Abdul Rahman Scholarship (full funding)
Bar Vocational Studies – City Law School, University of London (2021-2022)
- Middle Temple Astbury Scholarship
- The City Law School BVS Scholarship
- Called to the Bar at Middle Temple in November 2022
BCL, Distinction – Wolfson College, University of Oxford (2020-2021)
- Freedom of Religion Correspondent at Oxford Human Rights Hub
- Researcher at Oxford Pro Bono Publico
- Modules: Comparative Human Rights; Advanced and Comparative Criminal Law; Principles of Intellectual Property Law; Commercial Negotiation and Mediation; International Dispute Settlement
LLB, First Class with Honours – University of Manchester (2018-2020)
- Faculty Prize for Criminal Law
- Manchester Law Scholars Award (a bursary in recognition of excellent First Year results)
LLB – Taylor's University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2017-2018)
- Taylor’s Talent & Leadership Scholarship 2017 Award (full scholarship).
- Dean’s List award for all semesters.
- First Year: CGPA: 3.81 (equivalent to a First Class).
Selected Employment
- Criminal Law Supervisor at Oriel College, University of Oxford (January 2024 - March 2024)
- Legal Editor at FromCounsel, London, a specialist corporate and employment law knowledge service company (September 2022 - August 2024)
- Tutor at Oxford Law Summer School (July 2022)
Fields of research
Judicial power, judicial studies, comparative constitutional law, human rights law (incl. freedom of religion) and criminal law.