College Contact Details
Tel: 338152
Professor Emeritus of Jurisprudence and Public Law
MA, BCL (Oxon), LLD (Cantab), FBA, Barrister (Middle Temple)
Jurisprudence: legal and political theory. Public law: constitutional theory; judicial review; civil liberties.
Research centres and interest groups
The Sovereignty of Law: Freedom, Constitution, and Common Law (Oxford University Press, 2013)
Constitutional Justice: A Liberal Theory of the Rule of Law (Oxford University Press, 2003)

ISBN 13:
Published Sep 2003
Law, Liberty, and Justice: The Legal Foundations of British Constitutionalism (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994)

ISBN 13:
Published Dec 1994
"Constitutionalism at Common Law: The Rule of Law and Judicial Review" [2023] CLJ 236
[2023] CLJ 236
Published: Jul 2023
"Law as a Branch of Morality: The Unity of Practice and Principle" 65 American Journal of Jurisprudence (2020) 1 - 17
65 American Journal of Jurisprudence (2020) 1 - 17
Published: Jun 2020
"Why the Law is What it Ought to Be" (2020) 11(4) Jurisprudence 574 - 96
(2020) 11(4) Jurisprudence 574 - 96
Published: Jun 2020
"Principle, Practice, and Precedent: Vindicating Justice, According to Law" [2018] CLJ 269 - 297
[2018] CLJ 269 - 297
Published: May 2018
"Constitutional Rights and Judicial Review" (2018) 9 Jurisprudence 138 - 45
(2018) 9 Jurisprudence 138 - 45
Published: Jul 2017
"The Moral Unity of Public Law" (2017) 67 UTLJ 1 - 30
(2017) 67 UTLJ 1 - 30
Published: Feb 2017
"Law, Democracy, and Constitutionalism: Reflections on Evans v Attorney General" [2016] CLJ 38 - 61
[2016] CLJ 38 - 61
Published: Jan 2016
"Interpretation, Injustice, and Integrity" (2016) 36 OJLS 58 - 82
(2016) 36 OJLS 58 - 82
Published: Apr 2015
"Questions of Legality and Legitimacy: Form and Substance in British Constitutionalism" Int J Constitutional Law (2011) 9(1): 155 - 62
Int J Constitutional Law (2011) 9(1): 155 - 62
Published: Sep 2011
"Judicial Deference and Judicial Review: Legal Doctrine and Legal Theory" (2011) 127 LQR 96 - 117
(2011) 127 LQR 96 - 117
Published: Feb 2011
"Deference, Defiance, and Doctrine: Defining the Limits of Judicial Review" (2010) 60 U of Toronto LJ 41 - 59
(2010) 60 U of Toronto LJ 41 - 59
Published: Apr 2010
"Law, Justice and Integrity: The Paradox of Wicked Laws" (2009) 29 OJLS 705-28
(2009) 29 OJLS 705-28
Published: Dec 2009
"In Defence of the Common Law Constitution: Unwritten Rights as Fundamental Law" (2009) 22 CJLJ 187 - 203
(2009) 22 CJLJ 187 - 203
Published: Apr 2009
"Rule of Law" New Oxford Companion to Law (OUP, 2008), 1037 - 38
New Oxford Companion to Law (OUP, 2008), 1037 - 38
Published: Apr 2008
"Liberal Democracy" New Oxford Companion to Law (OUP, 2008), 731 - 32
New Oxford Companion to Law (OUP, 2008), 731 - 32
Published: Apr 2008
"The Rule of Law as Liberal Justice" (2006) 56 U of Toronto LJ 283 - 90
(2006) 56 U of Toronto LJ 283 - 90
Published: Apr 2006
"Parliament's Will and the Justice of the Common Law: The Human Rights Act in Constitutional Perspective" (2006) 59 CLP 27 - 50
(2006) 59 CLP 27 - 50
Published: Apr 2006
"Human Rights and Judicial Review: A Critique of 'Due Deference'" [2006] CLJ 671 - 95
[2006] CLJ 671 - 95
Published: Apr 2006
"Legislative Supremacy and Legislative Intention: Interpretation, Meaning, and Authority" [2004] CLJ 685 - 711
[2004] CLJ 685 - 711
Published: Apr 2004
"Legislative Supremacy and Legislative Intent: A Reply to Professor Craig" (2004) 24 OJLS 563 - 83
(2004) 24 OJLS 563 - 83
Published: Apr 2004
"Doctrine and Theory in Administrative Law: An Elusive Quest for the Limits of Jurisdiction" [2003] Public Law 429 - 54
[2003] Public Law 429 - 54
Published: Apr 2003
"Constitutional Dialogue and the Justification of Judicial Review" (2003) 23 OJLS 563 - 84
(2003) 23 OJLS 563 - 84
Published: Apr 2003
"The Constitutional Foundations of Judicial Review: Conceptual Conundrum or Interpretative Inquiry?" [2002] CLJ 87 - 125
[2002] CLJ 87 - 125
Published: Apr 2002
"The Politics of the British Constitution: A Response to Professor Ewing" [2000] PL 374 - 83
[2000] PL 374 - 83
Published: Apr 2000
"The Rule of Law as the Rule of Reason: Consent and Constitutionalism" (1999) 115 LQR 221 - 44
(1999) 115 LQR 221 - 44
Published: Apr 1999
"The Rule of Law" New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law (Macmillan 1998) 3, 369 - 381
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law (Macmillan 1998) 3, 369 - 381
Published: Apr 1998
"Fuller, Lon Luvois (1902 - 1978)" New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law (Macmillan 1998) 2, 179 - 82
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law (Macmillan 1998) 2, 179 - 82
Published: Apr 1998
"Procedural Fairness and the Duty of Respect" (1998) 18 OJLS 497 - 515
(1998) 18 OJLS 497 - 515
Published: Apr 1998
"Rule of Law (Rechtsstaat)" Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (Routledge 1998) 8, 388 - 391
Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (Routledge 1998) 8, 388 - 391
Published: Apr 1998
"Parliamentary Sovereignty: Law, Politics, and Revolution" (1997) 113 LQR 443 - 52
(1997) 113 LQR 443 - 52
Published: Apr 1997
"Citizenship and Obligation: Civil Disobedience and Civil Dissent" [1996] CLJ 89 - 121
[1996] CLJ 89 - 121
Published: May 1996
"Public Interest Immunity and Ministers' Responsibilities" [1993] Crim LR 660 - 68
[1993] Crim LR 660 - 68
Published: May 1993
"Justice and Fairness in Law's Empire" [1993] CLJ 64 - 88
[1993] CLJ 64 - 88
Published: May 1993
"Discovery of Cabinet Documents: The Northern Land Council Case" (1992) 14 Sydney LR 230 - 40
(1992) 14 Sydney LR 230 - 40
Published: May 1992
"Disclosure of Journalists' Sources, Civil Disobedience and the Rule of Law" [1991] CLJ 131 - 62
[1991] CLJ 131 - 62
Published: May 1991
"Constitutional Rights and Common Law" (1991) 11 OJLS 453 - 80
(1991) 11 OJLS 453 - 80
Published: May 1991
"Freedom of Speech and Judicial Review" (1991) 141 NLJ 683 - 85
(1991) 141 NLJ 683 - 85
Published: May 1991
"Australian Constitutionalism: Legitimacy, Will and Reason" (1988) 51 MLR 258 - 67
(1988) 51 MLR 258 - 67
Published: May 1988
"Dworkin and Dicey: The Rule of Law as Integrity" (1988) 8 OJLS 266 - 77
(1988) 8 OJLS 266 - 77
Published: May 1988
"Pragmatism and Theory in Public Law" (1988) 104 LQR 422 - 47
(1988) 104 LQR 422 - 47
Published: May 1988
"Legal Privilege and the Principle of Fairness in the Criminal Trial" [1987] Crim LR 449 - 59
[1987] Crim LR 449 - 59
Published: May 1987
"Law, Convention, Prerogative: Reflections Prompted by the Canadian Constitutional Case" [1986] CLJ 305 - 20
[1986] CLJ 305 - 20
Published: May 1986
"Abuse of Power and Public Interest Immunity: Justice, Rights and Truth" (1985) 101 LQR 200 - 216
(1985) 101 LQR 200 - 216
Published: Jun 1985
"Legislative Supremacy and the Rule of Law: Democracy and Constitutionalism" [1985] CLJ 111 - 43
[1985] CLJ 111 - 43
Published: Jun 1985
"The Limits of Parliamentary Sovereignty" [1985] PL 614 - 29
[1985] PL 614 - 29
Published: Jun 1985
"A Right to Pornography?" (1983) 3 OJLS 376 - 81
(1983) 3 OJLS 376 - 81
Published: Jun 1983
"Parliamentary Sovereignty: Lord Denning's Dexterous Revolution" (1983) 3 OJLS 22 - 33
(1983) 3 OJLS 22 - 33
Published: Jun 1983
Book Chapters
"The Law in Quest of Integrity: Interpretation, Invention and Internal Critique" in Thomas Bustamante and Margaret Martin (ed(s)), New Essays on the Fish-Dworkin Debate, 2023)
Published Nov 2023
"Constitutional Rights, Moral Judgement, and the Rule of Law" in James Goudkamp, Mark Lunney & Leighton McDonald (ed(s)), Taking Law Seriously: Essays in Honour of Peter Cane (Hart, 2022), pp. 95 - 122
"Political Obligation and Public Law" in Lisa Burton Crawford, Patrick Emerton & Dale Smith (ed(s)), Law Under a Democratic Constitution (Hart Publishing , 2019), pp. 249 - 268
"The Deliberative Constitution at Common Law", The Cambridge Handbook of Deliberative Constitutionalism, eds Ron Levy, Hoi Kong, Graeme Orr and Jeff King (Cambridge University Press, 2018), pp. 141 - 155
"Justice, Integrity, and the Common Law" in Salman Khurshid, Lokendra Malik and Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco (ed(s)), Dignity in the Legal and Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin (Oxford University Press, 2018), pp. 81 - 100
"In Defence of Radbruch's Formula: Injustice, Interpretation, and Invalidity", Rechtsphilosophie und Grundrechtstheorie, eds. Martin Borowski, Stanley L. Paulson, and Jan-Reinard Sieckmann (Mohr Siebeck, 2017), pp. 87 - 104
"The Rule of Law as the Rule of Private Law" in Lisa M Austin & Dennis Klimchuk (ed(s)), Private Law and the Rule of Law (Oxford University Press, 2015), pp. 67-91
"Freedom, Equality, Legality" in James R Silkenat, James E Hickey Jr, & Peter D Barenboim (ed(s)), The Legal Doctrines of the Rule of Law and the Legal State (Rechtsstaat) (Springer, 2014), pp. 155 - 169
"Democracy, Legality, and Proportionality" (with Grant Huscroft, Bradley W. Miller, & Gregoire Webber), Proportionality and the Rule of Law: Rights, Justification, Reasoning (Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 205 - 33
"Accountability to Law" in Nicholas Bamforth & Peter Leyland (ed(s)), Accountability in the Contemporary Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2013), pp. 77 - 104
"Constitutional Rights and the Rule of Law" in Matthias Klatt (ed(s)), Institutionalized Reason: The Jurisprudence of Robert Alexy (Oxford University Press, 2012), pp. 132 - 151
"Constitutional Justice and the Concept of Law" in Grant Huscroft (ed(s)), Expounding the Constitution: Essays in Constitutional Theory (Cambridge University Press, 2008), pp. 219 - 44
"Text, Context, and Constitution: The Common Law as Public Reason" in Douglas E Edlin (ed(s)), Common Law Theory (Cambridge University Press, 2007), pp. 185 - 203
"Common Law Reason and the Limits of Judicial Deference" in David Dyzenhaus (ed(s)), The Unity of Public Law (Hart Publishing, 2004), pp. 289 - 306
"Common Law Constitutionalism and Freedom of Speech" in Jack Beatson & Yvonne Cripps (ed(s)), Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Information: Essays in Honour of Sir David Williams (Clarendon Press, 2000), pp. 17 - 34
"The Rule of Law as the Foundation of Judicial Review" in Christopher Forsyth (ed(s)), Judicial Review and the Constitution (Hart Publishing, 2000), pp. 413 - 19
"Fairness, Equality, Rationality: Constitutional Theory and Judicial Review" in Christopher Forsyth & Ivan Hare (ed(s)), The Golden Metwand and the Crooked Cord: Essays in Honour of Sir William Wade QC (Clarendon Press, 1998), pp. 15 - 37
"The Common Law as Constitution: Fundamental Rights and First Principles" in Cheryl Saunders (ed(s)), Courts of Final Jurisdiction: The Mason Court in Australia (Federation Press, 1996), pp. 146 - 66
"Equality and Moral Independence: Private Morality and Public Law" in Ian Loveland (ed(s)), A Special Relationship? American Influences on Public Law in the UK (Clarendon Press, 1996), pp. 47 - 78
"The Concept of Fair Trial" in Elspeth Attwooll & David Goldberg (ed(s)), Criminal Justice (Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Beiheft 63, 1995), 1995), pp. 27 - 41
27 - 41
Published May 1995
"Fairness, Truth and Silence: The Criminal Trial and the Judge's Exclusionary Discretion" in Hyman Gross & Ross Harrison (ed(s)), Jurisprudence: Cambridge Essays (Clarendon Press, 1992), pp. 149 - 71
Book Reviews
Amanda Tyler, Habeas Corpus: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2021) Society (1 October 2021)
Published Oct 2021
Dimensions of Dignity: The Theory and Practice of Modern Constitutional Law (Cambridge University Press, 2016) by Jacob Weinrib (2018) 68 UTLJ 312 - 318
Published May 2018
Forms Liberate: Reclaiming the Jurisprudence of Lon L Fuller, by Kristen Rundle (Hart, Oxford, 2012) [2013] CLJ 753 - 56
Published Feb 2014
Political Constitutionalism: A Republican Defence of the Constitutionality of Democracy, by Richard Bellamy (CUP, 2007) [2008] CLJ 423 - 426
Published Jul 2008
Our Republican Constitution, by Adam Tomkins (Hart, Oxford, 2005) [2006] PL 172 - 175
Published Mar 2006
The Ultimate Rule of Law, by David Beatty (OUP, 2004) (2005) 16 KCLJ 229 - 34
Published Aug 2005
Does the United Kingdom Still have a Constitution?, by Anthony King (Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2001) (2002) 118 LQR 154
Published Jul 2002
Recrafting the Rule of Law: the Limits of Legal Order, by (ed) David Dyzenhaus (Hart, Oxford, 1999) [2000] PL 340
Published Jul 2000