Are you interested in law, policy, the environment, development & climate change?
Would you like to learn about COP26 & how legal & policy innovation can help implement the Paris Agreement?
Are you ready to build global career & scholarly networks for the SDGs?
If so, please register now for Climate Change, the SDGs and the Law 2021, an international online climate law and public policy conference, or see the website for more information.
Through the Climate Law and Governance Initiative (CLGI) with hundreds of partners, we are intensely preparing for the UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow this November 2021. This note offers an opportunity to register for Climate Change, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Law, a world-class preparatory academic conference in the University of Cambridge on 29-30 October 2021.
The Paris Agreement charts a new course in the global effort to address climate change. For progressively more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions to the global response to climate change, countries need specific domestic legal and public policy reforms to reduce emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change on all levels, and to change the direction of financial flows. Non-Party stakeholders are also invited to scale up their efforts. Since COP22, the Marrakesh Partnership has focused these efforts through the UNFCCC Race to Zero campaign. In the lead-up to COP26 in November 2021 in Glasgow, UK, the UNFCCC High Level Climate Champions have focused on scaling up of efforts by financial institutions and the corporates they invest in, among many other actors across society.
This international conference on Climate Change, the SDGs & the Law in the University of Cambridge and online in the week preceding COP26, is co-hosted by partners from the University of Glasgow and the University of Strathclyde, and will feature keynotes and experts plenary with leading practitioners, researchers and academics in law, climate change, economics, politics, land economy, development studies and beyond, also a special Climate Law in Practice career mentorship plenary for practitioners and students. The conference will also see awards distributed for Best Paper, Best Poster, and Best Online Presentation.