The successful appeal in R v Jogee and Ruddock v The Queen before the a combined Supreme Court and Privy Council raises important issues in the criminal law of complicity (sometimes unhelpfully labelled 'joint enterprise').
In this video Dr Matthew Dyson, who advised the appellant's counsel in the case considers the law of complicity, what the case changed, and its implications.
Dr Matthew Dyson is Fellow in Law and Director of Studies at Trinity College. His research includes complicity specifically, giving evidence before the House of Commons Justice Select Committee, and wider issues such as volumes like "Comparing Tort and Crime" and "Unravelling Tort and Crime" by Cambridge University Press. For more information about Dr Dyson, please refer to his profile.
Law in Focus is a series of short videos featuring academics from the University of Cambridge Faculty of Law, addressing legal issues in current affairs and the news. These issues are examples of the many which challenge researchers and students studying undergraduate and postgraduate law at the Faculty. Law in Focus is available on YouTube, or to subscribe to in iTunes U.
Other collections of video and audio recordings from the Faculty of Law are available at Lectures at Law.