The Squire Law Library and the Faculty of Law are pleased to announce that a further entry for Professor A. T. H. "Tony" Smith has been added to the Eminent Scholars Archive.
Professor Smith was the Arthur Goodhart Visiting Professor of Legal Science for the academic year 2015-16. He is currently Professor of Law at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, where from 2007-15 he was Pro-Vice Chancellor & Dean.
He was interviewed on 19 January 2016, and again on 20 July 2016, in the Squire Law Library.
Professor Smith was born and grew up in New Zealand, where he attended high school and university in Christchurch, before coming over to Gonville & Caius College in the early 1970s. He subsequently held academic posts at the universities of Durham (Reader) and Reading (Professor), before being appointed to a chair of Criminal and Public Laws at Cambridge in 1996.
In this second interview, Professor Smith talks about some of his published scholarly works, including his texts on offences against public order, property offences, and harm and culpability. There are some fascinating insights in his works on contempt into how the judiciary and legal system is coming to terms with the internet and social media in cases dealing with freedom of expression and privacy. He also gives his impressions on how Brexit will affect criminal justice in the UK in the coming years.
This is the tenth in a growing collection of interviews with the Goodhart professors, previous interviewees being Professor Martti Koskenniemi, Sir Robin Auld, Justice Paul Finn, Professor Leslie Zines, Professor Jane Stapleton, Professor Peter Cane, and Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Professor Gerald Postema, and Professor David Dyzenhaus.
The Eminent Scholars Archive is available to listen, or subscribe to, via the University Streaming Media Service and iTunes U.