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Thursday, 18 November 2021

Widening access & participationThe Faculty is delighted to announce that Slaughter and May have agreed to join the new Access and Widening Participation Scheme as Supporters.

The support of generous donations from the Access and Widening Participation Supporters will help the Faculty as it seeks to enhance the access of the brightest students, irrespective of background, to its outstanding programmes of legal study and, more broadly, to the legal profession.

Chair of the Faculty Professor Mark Elliott welcomed the agreement, saying:

We seek to ensure that studying Law at Cambridge is an opportunity that is open to talented students from all backgrounds.Professor Mark Elliott

"We are delighted to be working with Slaughter and May, along with others who are supporting our initiatives in this area, as we seek to ensure that studying Law at Cambridge is an opportunity that is open to talented students from all backgrounds, and as we seek to demystify what is involved in applying to Cambridge and in studying Law here. Our Access and Widening Participation Programme has already enabled us to make very significant progress in this regard, but we are acutely aware that much remains to be done. We are very grateful to Slaughter and May, with whom the Faculty of Law has a long and fruitful history of collaboration, for their support as we take forward our crucial work in this area."

Guy O'Keefe, Partner at Slaughter and May, responded:

"We are delighted to support the Access and Widening Participating Scheme within the Cambridge Faculty of Law, which aims to tackle some of the structural social mobility issues the legal industry faces. It's vital we continue to support and promote social mobility both within our own organisations and the legal sector as a whole. By supporting this fantastic initiative we aim to do just that. It’s a great compliment to our Law Springboard programme and our sixth form Lead in to Law initiative, and we look forward to seeing many talented individuals benefit."

Full information about the Faculty’s access and outreach activities can be found in the Access & outreach pages.

If your firm or chambers are interested in also supporting the Faculty in this capacity, please contact our Associate Director (School of Humanities and Social Sciences) Clare Gordon at
