Bristol University Press has published Low-Paid EU Migrant Workers: The House, The Street, The Town by Catherine Barnard, Fiona Costello and Sarah Fraser Butlin.
This book offers an in-depth exploration of the lives of EU migrant workers in the UK following Brexit and COVID-19.
Drawing on a longitudinal study, the book delves into the legal problems migrant workers face and sheds much-needed light on the hidden interactions between the law and communities around issues such as employment, housing, welfare and health. Through personal narratives and insights gathered from interviews, it reveals how (clustered) legal problems arise, are resolved and often bypass formal legal resolution pathways.
This is an invaluable resource that provides a rich picture of everyday life for migrant workers in the UK and highlights the vital role of NGOs working to support them.
For more information about this book, please refer to the Bristol University press website. Current University of Cambridge staff and student members can access the Open Access ebook via iDiscover.
For information about other publications by the authors please refer to their Faculty profiles.