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Read more at: The Palgrave Handbook of Applied Ethics and the Criminal Law

The Palgrave Handbook of Applied Ethics and the Criminal Law

Read more at: Optional Choice of Court Agreements in Private International Law

Optional Choice of Court Agreements in Private International Law

Read more at: Crime and Justice in Contemporary Japan

Crime and Justice in Contemporary Japan

Read more at: Recognition of the Rights of Domestic Workers in India: Challenges and the Way Forward

Recognition of the Rights of Domestic Workers in India: Challenges and the Way Forward

Read more at: The Welfare State, Globalization and International Law

The Welfare State, Globalization and International Law

Read more at: International Judicial Lawmaking - On Public Authority and Democratic Legitimation in Global Governance

International Judicial Lawmaking - On Public Authority and Democratic Legitimation in Global Governance

Read more at: Israel and the Palestinian Refugees

Israel and the Palestinian Refugees

Read more at: The Welfare State, Globalization and International Law

The Welfare State, Globalization and International Law

Read more at: A Albi and S Bardutzky (eds) National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights and the Rule of Law (National Reports)

A Albi and S Bardutzky (eds) National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights and the Rule of Law (National Reports)

Read more at: Nicaragua before the International Court of Justice: Impacts on International Law

Nicaragua before the International Court of Justice: Impacts on International Law