Ms Eden Howard (Wednesday Eden) |
eeh53@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Rashidah Abdul Hamid |
The Basic Structure Doctrine and Constitutional Identity |
ra357@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Rosalind Acland |
Classical Scholarship and Natural Law as Sources of Legal Theory in the Age of Edward Coke |
ra593@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Sebastian Kjaernli Aguirre |
ska45@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Jack Alexander |
jma96@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Ibrahim Alturki |
iaa31@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Keilin Anderson |
kea41@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Jeanne-Rose Arn |
jra63@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Rishabh Bajoria |
rb911@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Bhumika Billa |
Law as code and power: towards an information theory of law |
bb584@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Ana Leticia Blasi Magini |
albm2@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Rebecca Brown |
Global Crises, Domestic Solutions: National Implementation of Global Health Law as Collective Action |
rrb34@cam.ac.uk |
Mr James Browning |
jb2539@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Christine Carter |
mcc90@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Ira Chadha-Sridhar |
A Care Ethical Theory of Political Obligation |
ic357@cam.ac.uk |
Even Yi-Ying Chao |
A Historical Genealogy of Bill of Rights in British Imperial Constitution, c.1650-1930 |
yyc41@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Shraddha Chaudhary |
Adolescent Sexuality in Indian Criminal Law: Towards Balancing Autonomy and Vulnerability |
sc2086@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Thea Chesterfield |
Risk, Foreseeability and Diligence in International Human Rights Law |
tcc33@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Jonathan Chu |
Project title: “Debts and Private Law” |
ltc30@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Tim Cochrane |
tac60@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Victor Crochet |
vec28@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Luz Daniel |
mdlld2@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Preeti Pratishruti Dash |
ppd29@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Liyu Feng |
lf486@cam.ac.uk |
Vinicius Alexandre Fortes De Barros |
vaf31@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Ricki-Lee Gerbrandt |
Ms Alexandra Giannidi |
eag46@cam.ac.uk |
Mr M. Gold |
Ms Ariella Gordon |
acg77@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Daniela Gueiros Dias |
dg563@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Louis Guilbault |
The Nature and Scope of Compassion as a Legal Standard in British and Canadian Immigration Law |
lg647@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Çağrı Gürkanlı |
The Hermeneutical Reality of Law: Understanding the Legality of Constitutional Adjudication |
crg47@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Jose Rogelio Gutierrez Alvarez |
jrg75@cam.ac.uk |
Ms F. Hamid-Butt |
Cryptoassets and Smart Contracts: a Challenge to the Law of Succession? |
fh399@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Lily Hands |
Can Law Govern Algorithms? |
lah78@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Ibrahim Hanif |
ih309@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Laura Hannan |
lh403@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Matt Hasler |
The Normative Foundations of Family Law |
mjh213@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Marina Iskander |
Working Title: The Role of Competition Law and Policy in the Promotion of Economic Development in the Global South: the Case of Egypt |
mmmi2@cam.ac.uk |
Miss Lora Izvorova |
lgi21@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Shubham Jain |
Inequitable Access to Sport: A Socio-Legal Inquiry of Cricket in India, South Africa and the UK |
sj550@cam.ac.uk |
Ms A. John |
European Colonialism and the Origins of Cultural Heritage Law |
aj660@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Matt Jordan |
Liminality and the Law: interrogating jurisprudence throughout the liminal life cycle |
mrj38@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Vandita Khanna |
vk347@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Nicholas Kilford |
Thesis: The Protection of Parliamentary Sovereignty in the UK's Multi-Layered Constitution |
nrk27@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Finn Kinsler O'Sullivan |
The Basis of the Doctrine of Frustration |
fk318@cam.ac.uk |
Jaideep Singh Lalli |
jsl76@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Helin Laufer |
hl591@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Brigitte Leal |
Environmental Liability of Corporations for Atmospheric Damage in Chile |
bnl21@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Kui Li |
Cross-Border Allocation of Income Taxing Rights to Low-Income Countries |
kl552@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Rosalie Li |
jl2178@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Agnes Lindberg |
ahl33@cam.ac.uk |
Miss Anna Lukina |
Towards a Jurisprudence of Evil Law |
al905@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Damien Macedo |
Taxing Beyond Jurisdiction: Commercial Activity in Outer Space |
dm963@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Dora Robinson |
dcmr2@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Joshu Majima |
jm2450@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Rob Marsh |
Child welfare and respect for human rights: an analysis of changing judicial approaches to parent-child separation in England, 1991-present |
rm2198@cam.ac.uk |
Mr David Matyas |
dgm53@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Jacob Meagher |
jjm72@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Julien Miéral |
The Implementation of the European Union Trade Agreements and their Enforcement Mechanisms |
jm2234@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Guy Mulley |
The Concept of 'Employment' in Tax Law |
gevm2@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Diana Nicholls Mutter |
A Day Late and a Dollar Short? Securities Regulation of Cryptoassets |
dcn24@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Kenneth Okwor |
Towards a West African Law on Economic and Monetary Union |
kodo2@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Carlos Orjuela |
History of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers |
co454@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Aliki Athina Papanastasiou |
Incidental Questions in International Adjudication: A Study of the Limits of Implicit Jurisdiction |
aap53@cam.ac.uk |
Matthew Parish |
mdp57@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Anna Peters |
alp85@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Darren Peterson |
djp94@cam.ac.uk |
Mr James Pinder |
jrp86@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Folakunmi Pinheiro |
fsp26@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Ori Pomson |
The Limitations of the Judicial Function of International Courts and Tribunals |
onp21@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Nina Prusac |
np595@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Francisco-José Quintana |
fjq20@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Ashrutha Rai |
The Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflict under International Law |
ar944@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Joana Ribeiro de Faria |
mjrdfc2@cam.ac.uk |
Mr M. Rivoire |
International Commercial Arbitration, Private International Law, and Intellectual Property |
mr858@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Carissa Rodulfo |
cefr3@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Diego De Guadalupe Romero Rivero |
ddgr2@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Jonathan Rutherford |
jar219@cam.ac.uk |
Mr A. Samartzis |
as3066@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Holli Sargeant |
Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: Economics, Human Rights & Law |
hs775@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Quentin B. Schäfer |
Competition law liability for obtaining, maintaining, and exercising invalid or otherwise deficient intellectual property rights |
qbs20@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Pedro Schilling De Carvalho |
Fragmentation in International Financial Regulation: Rethinking Financial Regulation for a Multipolar World |
ps785@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Emma Scott |
Gillick meets gender: after forty years of judicial deference to the Gillick decision, have Courts reached the limit of the landmark legal test? |
eks49@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Z.H. See |
zhs23@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Aradhya Sethia |
as2733@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Eugene Shevchuk |
Ms Tvisha Shroff |
tzs20@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Eden Smith |
eas211@cam.ac.uk |
Mr David Taylor |
drt35@cam.ac.uk |
Mr A. Thompson |
Legal Evolution: A Study of Contract and Intellectual Property |
at808@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Josep Maria Tirapu Sanuy |
The role of courts in the accommodation of national pluralism. A comparison of the United Kingdom, Spain, and Canada |
jmt96@cam.ac.uk |
Ms J.L. Tridgell |
Global Governance of Free and Open Source Software |
jlt61@cam.ac.uk |
Mr R.V.K. Dandamudi |
rvkd2@cam.ac.uk |
Mr G. Vial-Fourcade |
gv302@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Daniel Ward |
'The Technicality of Law and Its Rich Evaluative Significances: Why (English) Law Is Not A Deontic System' |
dw568@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Stephen Watson |
srw68@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Lea Weimann |
lew63@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Carly Whelan |
csw55@cam.ac.uk |
Jonas Wieschollek |
Legal peripheralization: The Russian colonization of Central Asia (PhD project) |
jbw35@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Forest Yu |
fy249@cam.ac.uk |
Kevin Zou |
Proprietary Remedies in Equity |
ktz20@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Zhenbin Zuo |
zz337@cam.ac.uk |