William Kerslake |
Meredith |
Administrator |
webmaster@admin.cam.ac.uk |
Andy Batey |
Tim Davison |
Niko M |
Magdalena Weglowska |
Brian Matemachani |
Julia Copson |
Jamie Giberti |
Sam Groom |
Professor Leo Zaibert |
Andreas von Hirsch Professor of Penal Theory and Ethics; Director of the Centre for Penal Theory and Ethics |
lz465@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Eden Howard (Wednesday Eden) |
eeh53@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Rashidah Abdul Hamid |
The Basic Structure Doctrine and Constitutional Identity |
ra357@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Mateo Aboy |
Director of Research in Technology & Law; Biomedical Innovation, AI & Law, LML |
ma608@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Rosalind Acland |
Classical Scholarship and Natural Law as Sources of Legal Theory in the Age of Edward Coke |
ra593@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Zoe Adams |
Affiliated Lecturer in Law, Admissions Tutor and Fellow in Law |
zla20@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Sinead Agnew |
University Associate Professor |
sca27@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Priyanka Agrawal |
Finance Administrator |
pa488@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Sebastian Kjaernli Aguirre |
ska45@cam.ac.uk |
Mrs Elizabeth Aitken |
Accounts Manager |
eaa30@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Albertina Albors-Llorens |
Professor of European Union Law |
aa144@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Jack Alexander |
jma96@cam.ac.uk |
Professor TRS Allan |
Professor Emeritus of Jurisprudence and Public Law |
trsa2@cam.ac.uk |
Professor John Allison |
Professor of Public Law and Comparative Historical Jurisprudence |
jwfa1@cam.ac.uk |
Professor PJ Allott |
Emeritus Professor of International Public Law |
pja1001@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Ibrahim Alturki |
iaa31@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Keilin Anderson |
kea41@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Neil H Andrews |
Professor Emeritus of Law |
nha1000@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Christina Angelopoulos |
University Associate Professor; Director of the Law Tripos; Fellow and Director of Studies (Newnham College) |
cja58@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Antony Anghie |
Arthur Goodhart Visiting Professor of Legal Science |
aa2658@cam.ac.uk |
Lady Mary Arden of Heswall DBE |
Yorke Distinguished Visiting Fellow |
Professor Barak Ariel |
Professor of Experimental Criminology |
ba285@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Kenneth Armstrong |
Professor of European Law |
kaa40@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Jeanne-Rose Arn |
jra63@cam.ac.uk |
Dr AWE Bainham |
Emeritus Reader in Family Law and Policy |
ab10030@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Rishabh Bajoria |
rb911@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Sir John H Baker |
Downing Professor Emeritus of the Laws of England |
jhb16@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Catherine Barnard |
Professor of European Law |
csb24@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Lorand Bartels |
Professor of International Law |
lab53@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Daniel Bates |
Legal Research Training and Communications Specialist |
db298@cam.ac.uk |
Daniel Bates |
Professor John Bell |
Emeritus Professor of Law |
jsb48@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Lionel Bently |
Professor of Intellectual Property Law (Herchel Smith) |
lb329@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Eyal Benvenisti |
Whewell Professor of International Law |
eb653@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Lovleen Bhullar |
Assistant Professorship in Environmental Law |
Ms Bhumika Billa |
Law as code and power: towards an information theory of law |
bb584@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Ana Leticia Blasi Magini |
albm2@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Fernando Lusa Bordin |
College Associate Professor and John Thornely Fellow in Law, Sidney Sussex College; Fellow, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law |
fl290@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Sir AE Bottoms |
Wolfson Professor of Criminology |
aeb11@cam.ac.uk |
Miss Julie Boucher |
Deputy Faculty Manager (Learning & Teaching) |
jb234@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Alexis Brassey |
Affiliated Lecturer |
anb41@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Rebecca Brown |
Global Crises, Domestic Solutions: National Implementation of Global Health Law as Collective Action |
rrb34@cam.ac.uk |
Mr James Browning |
jb2539@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Sean Butler |
College Teaching Officer; Affiliated Lecturer; Director of Studies in Law (St Edmund's College) |
scb46@cam.ac.uk |
Mrs Vanessa Bystry |
Communications Co-ordinator, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law |
vb382@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Paolo Campana |
Associate Professor of Criminology and Complex Networks; MPhil Director |
pc524@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Peter Candy |
University Assistant Professor in Civil Law; Access Officer |
pc649@cam.ac.uk |
Lord Robert Carnwath |
Yorke Distinguished Visiting Fellow |
Ms Christine Carter |
mcc90@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Ira Chadha-Sridhar |
A Care Ethical Theory of Political Obligation |
ic357@cam.ac.uk |
Even Yi-Ying Chao |
A Historical Genealogy of Bill of Rights in British Imperial Constitution, c.1650-1930 |
yyc41@cam.ac.uk |
D.R. Chapman |
Orfeas Chasapis-Tassinis |
Affiliated Lecturer; Research Fellow Revisiting the Theoretical Foundations of International Organisations in Public International Law |
oc291@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Shraddha Chaudhary |
Adolescent Sexuality in Indian Criminal Law: Towards Balancing Autonomy and Vulnerability |
sc2086@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Brian R Cheffins |
Professor of Corporate Law (S.J. Berwin); Director of the MCL |
brc21@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Thea Chesterfield |
Risk, Foreseeability and Diligence in International Human Rights Law |
tcc33@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Jonathan Chu |
Project title: “Debts and Private Law” |
ltc30@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Joseph Clement |
Deputy Faculty Manager (Finance, Research & Facilities Management) |
jec217@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Ann Sofie Cloots |
Affiliated Lecturer |
ascc2@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jennifer Cobbe |
University Assistant Professor in Law and Technology |
jc2106@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Tim Cochrane |
tac60@cam.ac.uk |
Ms A.M. Cojocaru |
Senior Library Assistant (Serials and Collection Management) |
amc234@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Gary Collings |
IT Technician |
gc410@cam.ac.uk |
Mr John Corr |
Evening Custodian |
jhc64@cam.ac.uk |
Ms F. Costello |
Research Associate |
fc501@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Ben Crewe |
Professor of Penology and Criminal Justice & Director of the M.St. Programme in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management |
bc247@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Victor Crochet |
vec28@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Tristan Cummings |
College Teaching Officer (St Catharine's College) |
tc619@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Luz Daniel |
mdlld2@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Preeti Pratishruti Dash |
ppd29@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Sir AA Dashwood |
Emeritus Professor of European Law |
aad20@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jennifer S Davis |
Emeritus Fellow, Wolfson College; Director of Studies, Law Graduate Students, Wolfson College, Member, Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law |
jsd27@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Dominic de Cogan |
Professor |
dad34@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Simon de Smet |
Affiliated Lecturer |
sd340@cam.ac.uk |
Mrs C de Vries |
Centre Co-ordinator, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law |
cd600@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Simon F Deakin |
Professor of Law |
s.deakin@cbr.cam.ac.uk |
Lesley Dingle |
Fellow, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law |
lmd25@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Martin Dixon |
Professor of the Law of Real Property |
mjd1001@cam.ac.uk |
Miss Catherine Alexandra Dobson |
Fellow (St Edmund's College) |
cad46@cam.ac.uk |
Joanne Dodd |
jed78@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Antje du Bois-Pedain |
Professor of Criminal Law and Philosophy; Deputy Director, Centre for Penal Theory and Ethics (IoC) |
alp22@cam.ac.uk |
Mrs Jennifer Dumitrescu |
Computer Officer |
jd757@cam.ac.uk |
Annabel Edwards |
Development Associate |
annabel.edwards@admin.cam.ac.uk |
Mrs Lizz Edwards-Waller |
LLM and MCL Collection Supervisor |
ew257@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Senara Eggleton |
College Teaching Officer and Director of Studies (Jesus College) |
se505@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Fabian Eichberger |
Charles & Katharine Darwin Research Fellow |
fe267@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Manuel Eisner |
Director of the Institute; Wolfson Professor of Criminology |
mpe23@cam.ac.uk |
Lorren Eldridge |
Assistant Professor in Property Law |
le377@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Mark Elliott |
Professor of Public Law |
mce1000@cam.ac.uk |
Professor David Erdos |
Professor of Law and the Open Society; Co-Director, Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law (CIPIL) |
doe20@cam.ac.uk |
Mrs Felicity Eves-Rey |
CELS and CIPIL Coordinator; CLJ Editorial Assistant |
fre20@cam.ac.uk |
Dr J Ewing |
College Teaching Officer |
je277@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Karen Fachechi |
Administrative Assistant, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law |
kjf35@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Francesca Farrington |
Affiliated Lecturer |
fmf34@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Raffael Fasel |
Assistant Professor in Public Law; Fellow, Jesus College |
rnf22@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Kate Faulkner |
Legal Research Librarian |
kef39@cam.ac.uk |
Professor David Feldman |
Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of English Law; Emeritus Fellow of Downing College |
djf41@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Liyu Feng |
lf486@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Richard Fentiman |
Professor of Private International Law |
rgf1000@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Eilis Ferran |
Professor of Company and Securities Law |
evf1000@cam.ac.uk |
Miss Amy Fletcher |
LLM and MCL Admissions Administrator |
af867@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Christopher F Forsyth |
Affiliated Lecturer |
cff1000@cam.ac.uk |
Vinicius Alexandre Fortes De Barros |
vaf31@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Sarah Fraser Butlin |
Affiliated Lecturer; College Teaching Officer (Selwyn College) |
skf21@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Elaine Freer |
College Teaching Officer (Robinson College) |
ef269@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Rebecca Freund |
College Teaching Officer (Downing College) |
ref45@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Nick Friedman |
University Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law; Fellow and College Lecturer, St John's College |
nf375@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Shaun Fry |
Custodian |
sf475@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Arushi Garg |
Assistant Professor |
ag779@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Samantha Gatt |
Faculty Receptionist |
sg2078@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Markus Gehring |
University Associate Professor; former Director of the Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) |
mwg24@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Loraine Gelsthorpe |
Professor (Institute of Criminology); Director of the Institute of Criminology |
lrg10@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Ricki-Lee Gerbrandt |
Mr Andrew Gerrard |
Computer Officer |
acg12@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Alexandra Giannidi |
eag46@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Matilda Gillis |
Research Fellow and College Lecturer; Affiliated Lecturer; Access Officer |
meg55@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Stephen Gilmore |
Professor of Family Law; Director of Cambridge Family Law Centre, CC Ng Fellow in Law and Director of Studies for the LLM, Jesus College Cambridge. |
sg995@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jamie Glister |
University Lecturer in Private Law; Deputy Director of the LLM |
jag40@cam.ac.uk |
Mr M. Gold |
Ms Ariella Gordon |
acg77@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Emily Gordon |
College Teaching Officer (St John's College) |
egg26@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Amy Goymour |
University Associate Professor |
acg39@cam.ac.uk |
Lord (Tony) Grabiner |
Master of Clare College |
asg43@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Lewis Graham |
College Teaching Officer and Director of Studies (Christ's College) |
lg513@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Tom Grant |
Senior Research Fellow (Wolfson College); Fellow (Lauterpacht Centre for International Law) |
tdg20@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Christine D Gray |
Emeritus Professor of International Law |
cdg22@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Kevin Gray |
Emeritus Professor of Law |
Ms Rebecca Greene |
Secretary for the Institute of Criminology |
Edward Grierson |
ejg87@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan |
Professor of Law; Co-Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law (CIPIL); Fellow and Director of Studies (King's College) |
hmg35@cam.ac.uk |
Dr AT Grounds |
University Senior Lecturer (Institute of Criminology) |
ag113@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Daniela Gueiros Dias |
dg563@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Louis Guilbault |
The Nature and Scope of Compassion as a Legal Standard in British and Canadian Immigration Law |
lg647@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Louise Gullifer |
Rouse Ball Professor of English Law; Chair of the Faculty Board |
lg421@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Çağrı Gürkanlı |
The Hermeneutical Reality of Law: Understanding the Legality of Constitutional Adjudication |
crg47@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Jose Rogelio Gutierrez Alvarez |
jrg75@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Antara Haldar |
University Associate Professor |
ah447@cam.ac.uk |
Lady Brenda Hale |
Yorke Distinguished Visiting Fellow |
Ellie Hall |
erh68@cam.ac.uk |
Ms F. Hamid-Butt |
Cryptoassets and Smart Contracts: a Challenge to the Law of Succession? |
fh399@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Sarah Hammond |
Legal Research Librarian - Foreign, International and Comparative Law |
sh974@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Hend Hanafy |
Assistant Professor in Criminal Law |
hhhh3@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Lily Hands |
Can Law Govern Algorithms? |
lah78@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Ibrahim Hanif |
ih309@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Laura Hannan |
lh403@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Peter Harris |
Professor of Tax Law |
pah1007@cam.ac.uk |
Fiona Harrison |
Institute Administrator |
fmh31@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Matt Hasler |
The Normative Foundations of Family Law |
mjh213@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Thomas Hawker-Dawson |
Brenda Hale Fellow in Law (Girton College); Director of Studies in Law (Part IA and IB); Affiliated Lecturer |
tch39@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Anna Heenan |
University Assistant Professor in Family Law |
ach220@cam.ac.uk |
Dr May Hen |
Leverhulme Trust Early Career Researcher |
hmh46@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Sarah Hill |
Computer Officer |
slk25@cam.ac.uk |
Mrs Alison Hirst |
Postgraduate Research Degrees Coordinator |
ash26@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Lena Holzer |
University Assistant Professor in Gender, Race and the Law |
lh850@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Richard Hooley |
University Lecturer in Law |
rjh1009@cam.ac.uk |
Mrs Cherry Hopkins |
Life Fellow |
cah30@cam.ac.uk |
Mr John A Hopkins |
Retired University Lecturer |
jah1001@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Christopher Hose |
College Teaching Officer (Murray Edwards College) Obligations of Good Faith in Contract Law |
Professor D Howarth |
Professor of Law and Public Policy (Department of Land Economy) |
drh20@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Gavin Howlett-Foster |
IT Technician |
gh509@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Kirsty Hughes |
University Associate Professor; Fellow (Clare College); Director of Studies; Director of the Centre for Public Law (CPL) |
kh391@cam.ac.uk |
Professor DJ Ibbetson |
Professor of Civil Law (Regius) |
dji22@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Marina Iskander |
Working Title: The Role of Competition Law and Policy in the Promotion of Economic Development in the Global South: the Case of Egypt |
mmmi2@cam.ac.uk |
Miss Lora Izvorova |
lgi21@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Ahmed Izzidien |
Senior Research Associate |
ai297@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Shubham Jain |
Inequitable Access to Sport: A Socio-Legal Inquiry of Cricket in India, South Africa and the UK |
sj550@cam.ac.uk |
Ms A. John |
European Colonialism and the Origins of Cultural Heritage Law |
aj660@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Neil Jones |
Professor of English Legal History; Chair of Part IA Examiners |
ngj10@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Matt Jordan |
Liminality and the Law: interrogating jurisprudence throughout the liminal life cycle |
mrj38@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Eleni Katsampouka |
Fellow and Lecturer in Law (Christ's College) |
ek435@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Maria Kazani |
Outreach, Widening Participation and Communications Coordinator |
mk2033@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Nabil Khabirpour |
Affiliated Lecturer, Faculty of Law; Fellow, Lecturer and Director of Studies, Lucy Cavendish College |
nk341@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Vandita Khanna |
vk347@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Nicholas Kilford |
Thesis: The Protection of Parliamentary Sovereignty in the UK's Multi-Layered Constitution |
nrk27@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Finn Kinsler O'Sullivan |
The Basis of the Doctrine of Frustration |
fk318@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Leslie Kosmin KC |
Yorke Distinguished Visiting Fellow 2015-18; Affiliated Lecturer |
lk354@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Matthew Kramer |
Professor of Legal and Political Philosophy |
mhk11@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Tor Krever |
University Assistant Professor in International Law |
tkk24@cam.ac.uk |
Martina Kunz |
Dr Narine Lalafaryan |
University Assistant Professor of Corporate Law; Fellow, Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance |
nl334@cam.ac.uk |
Jaideep Singh Lalli |
jsl76@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Charles Lanfear |
Assistant Professor |
cl948@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Caroline Lanskey |
Associate Professor in Criminology and Criminal Justice |
cml29@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Helin Laufer |
hl591@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Brigitte Leal |
Environmental Liability of Corporations for Atmospheric Damage in Chile |
bnl21@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Karen Lee |
Fellow, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law; Co-editor of International Law Reports (CUP); Fellow of Girton College (Vice-Mistress 2014-2021) |
kll1000@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Emma Lees |
Professor in Environmental and Property Law (Department of Land Economy) |
el348@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Emilija Leinarte |
University Associate Professor |
em547@cam.ac.uk |
Fred Lewsey |
Mr Kui Li |
Cross-Border Allocation of Income Taxing Rights to Low-Income Countries |
kl552@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Rosalie Li |
jl2178@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Kathleen Liddell |
Director of the Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences; Professor of Intellectual Property and Medical Law |
k.liddell@law.cam.ac.uk |
Professor Alison Liebling |
Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice |
al115@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Agnes Lindberg |
ahl33@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Ziyu Liu |
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow; Affiliated Lecturer |
zl365@cam.ac.uk |
The Right Hon Lord David Lloyd Jones |
Yorke Fund Distinguished Fellow |
Dr Soterios Loizou |
University Associate Professor of Commercial Law |
sl601@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Friedrich Lösel |
Director of Research (Institute of Criminology) |
fal23@cam.ac.uk |
Miss Anna Lukina |
Towards a Jurisprudence of Evil Law |
al905@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Damien Macedo |
Taxing Beyond Jurisdiction: Commercial Activity in Outer Space |
dm963@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Dora Robinson |
dcmr2@cam.ac.uk |
Madalina Nicolai |
amn56@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Joshu Majima |
jm2450@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Lorenzo Maniscalco |
College Lecturer in Law; Fellow and Director of Studies in Law (Clare College); Deputy Director of the LLM |
lm632@cam.ac.uk |
Dr James Manwaring |
College Teaching Officer (Homerton College) |
jm917@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Rob Marsh |
PhD Research: Child welfare and respect for human rights: Changing judicial approaches to parent-child separation in England, 1991-present |
rm2198@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Hannah Marshall |
Affiliated Lecturer |
hjm50@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Stevie Martin |
College Lecturer in Law and Fellow/Bye-Fellow at Fitzwilliam and King's Colleges |
ssm41@cam.ac.uk |
Mr David Matyas |
dgm53@cam.ac.uk |
Mr NJ McBride |
College Lecturer (Pembroke College); Affiliated Lecturer |
njm33@cam.ac.uk |
Mrs Nicole McCarthy |
HR Administrator |
hr@law.cam.ac.uk |
Professor PG McHugh |
Professor Emeritus of Law & Legal History |
pgm13@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Campbell McLachlan |
Professor of International Dispute Resolution |
cm362@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Jacob Meagher |
jjm72@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Maayan Menashe |
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow; Affiliated Lecturer |
mm2171@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Louise Merrett |
Professor of International Commercial Law |
lm324@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Matt Meyer |
Affiliated Lecturer |
mm2797@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Julien Miéral |
The Implementation of the European Union Trade Agreements and their Enforcement Mechanisms |
jm2234@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Kate Miles |
Associate Professor of Law, Gonville & Caius College |
klm66@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Alistair Mills |
Fellow and Dias College Assistant Professor in Law, Magdalene College; Affiliated Lecturer |
am716@cam.ac.uk |
Jellie Molino |
Research By-Fellow (Hughes Hall) |
jmm278@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Jonathan Morgan |
Professor of English Law |
jem44@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Mohamed Moussa |
College Lecturer in Law |
mmam4@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Guy Mulley |
The Concept of 'Employment' in Tax Law |
gevm2@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Roderick Munday |
Reader Emeritus in Law |
rjm1000@cam.ac.uk |
Ms T. Murray |
Visitor and Centres Coordinator |
pm605@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Philip Murray |
College Assistant Professor in Law; Affiliated Lecturer in Law |
pm403@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Daniel Chege Mwaura |
Web Developer |
dcm53@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Poorna Mysoor |
College Teaching Officer (Lucy Cavendish College); Affiliated Lecturer |
pm753@cam.ac.uk |
Miss Kay Naylor |
Librarian's Secretary & Senior Library Assistant (Acquisitions & Finance) |
kmn21@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Penelope Nevill |
Affiliated Lecturer |
pnevill@20essexst.com |
Dr Eleanor Neyroud |
Affiliated Lecturer |
ecn32@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Diana Nicholls Mutter |
A Day Late and a Dollar Short? Securities Regulation of Cryptoassets |
dcn24@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Sarah Nouwen |
Professor of International Law |
smhn3@cam.ac.uk |
Sir Denis O'Connor |
Affiliated Lecturer |
do299@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Janet A O'Sullivan |
Professor of Private Law |
jao21@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Okeoghene Odudu |
Professor of Competition Law; Co-Director, Centre for European Legal Studies |
oo201@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Kenneth Okwor |
Towards a West African Law on Economic and Monetary Union |
kodo2@cam.ac.uk |
Dr MPC Oldham |
Retired University Lecturer |
mpo1000@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Carlos Orjuela |
History of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers |
co454@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Federica Paddeu |
Associate Professor of Law and Derek Bowett Fellow, Queens’ College; Fellow, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law |
fip20@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Nicola (Nicky) Padfield |
Emeritus Professor of Criminal and Penal Justice; Former Director, Cambridge Centre for Criminal Justice |
nmp21@cam.ac.uk |
Dr S Palmer |
University Associate Professor |
sp10002@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Aliki Athina Papanastasiou |
Incidental Questions in International Adjudication: A Study of the Limits of Implicit Jurisdiction |
aap53@cam.ac.uk |
Matthew Parish |
mdp57@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Alpa Parmar |
University Assistant Professor in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice |
ap239@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Andrea Peripoli |
College Teaching Officer, Fellow and Director of Studies (St Edmund's), Bye-Fellow and Director of Studies (Peterhouse) |
ap880@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Anna Peters |
alp85@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Darren Peterson |
djp94@cam.ac.uk |
Mr James Pinder |
jrp86@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Folakunmi Pinheiro |
fsp26@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Brendan Plant |
College Teaching Officer (Downing College) |
bcp25@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Ori Pomson |
The Limitations of the Judicial Function of International Courts and Tribunals |
onp21@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Nina Prusac |
np595@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Matthew Psycharis |
Fellow and College Lecturer in Law (St Edmund's College) Policy Referendums in Westminster Constitutions |
mjp200@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Francisco-José Quintana |
fjq20@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Ashrutha Rai |
The Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflict under International Law |
ar944@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Surabhi Ranganathan |
Professor of International Law |
sr496@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Sonali Rao |
HR Co-ordinator |
hr@law.cam.ac.uk |
Professor Bobby V Reddy |
Professor of Corporate Law and Governance; J M Keynes Senior Fellow in Financial Economics; Fellow and Director of Studies, Churchill College |
bvr20@cam.ac.uk |
Miss E.A. Redfearn |
LLM and MCL Examinations Coordinator |
LLM_MCLexams@law.cam.ac.uk |
Kevin Regan |
Mark Retter |
Human Rights After Virtue |
mdr50@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Joana Ribeiro de Faria |
mjrdfc2@cam.ac.uk |
Mr M. Rivoire |
International Commercial Arbitration, Private International Law, and Intellectual Property |
mr858@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Gavin Robert |
Affiliated Lecturer |
gr357@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Carissa Rodulfo |
cefr3@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jonathan Rogers |
University Associate Professor; Co-Deputy Director of Cambridge Centre for Criminal Justice |
jwr53@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Pippa Rogerson |
Professor of Private International Law |
pjr1000@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Gabriela Roman |
Affiliated Lecturer |
gdp27@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Diego De Guadalupe Romero Rivero |
ddgr2@cam.ac.uk |
Philippa Rosselli |
Dr Samuel Ruiz-Tagle |
Research By-Fellow (Hughes Hall) |
sertg2@cam.ac.uk |
Miss Katie Russell |
Postgraduate Course Administrator |
kvr29@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Jonathan Rutherford |
jar219@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Yvonne Salmon |
Affiliated Lecturer |
yps1000@cam.ac.uk |
Mr A. Samartzis |
as3066@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Joe Sampson |
University Assistant Professor in Legal History |
jws43@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Andrew Sanger |
Associate Professor of International Law |
as662@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Holli Sargeant |
Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: Economics, Human Rights & Law |
hs775@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Quentin B. Schäfer |
Competition law liability for obtaining, maintaining, and exercising invalid or otherwise deficient intellectual property rights |
qbs20@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Pedro Schilling De Carvalho |
Fragmentation in International Financial Regulation: Rethinking Financial Regulation for a Multipolar World |
ps785@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Emma Scott |
Gillick meets gender: after forty years of judicial deference to the Gillick decision, have Courts reached the limit of the landmark legal test? |
eks49@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Helen Scott |
Regius Professor of Civil Law |
hs835@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Z.H. See |
zhs23@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Aradhya Sethia |
as2733@cam.ac.uk |
Dame E Sharpston KC, DCMG, FBA (Hon) |
Yorke Distinguished Visiting Fellow |
evs1000@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Lawrence Sherman |
Wolfson Professor of Criminology |
ls434@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Eugene Shevchuk |
Dr Liron Shmilovits |
Fellow and College Assistant Professor (Wolfson College) |
ls621@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Tvisha Shroff |
tzs20@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Nigel Simmonds |
Emeritus Professor of Jurisprudence |
nes1000@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Sandesh Sivakumaran |
Professor of International Law |
ss369@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Jeffrey M Skopek |
Professor of Law |
jms212@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Brian Sloan |
University Assistant Professor; Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Law |
bds26@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Laura Smethurst |
Faculty Manager; Secretary of the Faculty Board |
lcs38@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Eden Smith |
eas211@cam.ac.uk |
Mrs Sarah Smith |
Tripos Examinations Coordinator |
triposexams@law.cam.ac.uk |
Dr Benjamin Spagnolo |
Fellow and Trinity Associate Professor in Law |
benjamin.spagnolo@law.cam.ac.uk |
Professor John R Spencer |
Professor Emeritus of Law |
jrs1000@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Findlay Stark |
Professor of Criminal Law |
fgs23@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Shona Wilson Stark |
University Associate Professor; Mary Arden Official Fellow in Law |
sw590@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Felix Steffek |
Professor of Law; Co-Director of the Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law (3CL); University JM Keynes Fellow in Financial Economics |
fs256@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Martin Steinfeld |
College Lecturer in Law, Director of Studies; University Advocate |
ms627@cam.ac.uk |
Dr FC Stolker |
Herchel Smith Teaching/Research Fellow (Emmanuel College) |
fs599@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Ana Taleska |
Affiliated Lecturer |
at991@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Justice Tankebe |
Associate Professor of Criminology |
jt340@cam.ac.uk |
Mr David Taylor |
drt35@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Stefan Theil |
Assistant Professor in Public Law, Fellow of Sidney Sussex College |
st608@cam.ac.uk |
Mr A. Thompson |
Legal Evolution: A Study of Contract and Intellectual Property |
at808@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Rosy Thornton |
rt104@cam.ac.uk |
Mrs J Tiley |
College Fellow (Lucy Cavendish College) |
jmt1000@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Josep Maria Tirapu Sanuy |
The role of courts in the accommodation of national pluralism. A comparison of the United Kingdom, Spain, and Canada |
jmt96@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Stelios Tofaris |
University Associate Professor |
st277@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Rachel Clement Tolley |
John Collier Fellow and College Lecturer (Trinity Hall) |
rc764@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Marcus Tomalin |
Research Associate |
mt126@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Kyle Treiber |
Associate Professor of Neurocriminology |
kht25@cam.ac.uk |
Ms J.L. Tridgell |
Global Governance of Free and Open Source Software |
jlt61@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Maria Ttofi |
Associate Professor in Psychological Criminology; PhD Director |
mt394@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Sophie Turenne |
University Assistant Professor; Fellow in Law (King's College) |
st325@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Harro van Asselt |
Hatton Professor of Climate Law (Department of Land Economy) |
hva21@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Faidon Varesis |
Assistant Professor in Private International Law and International Dispute Resolution |
fv259@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Ernesto Vargas Weil |
Spencer Fairest Teaching Fellow in Law (Selwyn College) |
ev371@cam.ac.uk |
Mr R.V.K. Dandamudi |
rvkd2@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Jacquelyn Veraldi |
Research Associate On the Application of Article 102 TFEU in the Pharmaceutical Sector |
jdv23@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Fotis Vergis |
College Lecturer and Fellow in Law, DoS (Law Tripos IB); Affiliated Lecturer Collective Labour Rights after the Treaty of Lisbon as an element of the substantive constitutionalisation of EU law |
fv237@cam.ac.uk |
Mr G. Vial-Fourcade |
gv302@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Jorge E Vinuales |
Harold Samuel Professor of Law and Environmental Policy |
jev32@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Lars Vinx |
Professor of Jurisprudence |
lv330@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Graham Virgo |
Professor of English Private Law; Chair of the LLM Examiners |
gjv1000@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Andreas von Hirsch |
Honorary Professor of Penal Theory and Penal Law |
avh25@cam.ac.uk |
Miss Suzanne Wade |
LLM and MCL Programmes Coordinator |
shw27@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Laura Waldoch |
Computer Officer |
lmh44@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Daniel Ward |
'The Technicality of Law and Its Rich Evaluative Significances: Why (English) Law Is Not A Deontic System' |
dw568@cam.ac.uk |
Miss Helen Waring |
Faculty Officers' PA and Undergraduate Exchange Scheme Coordinator |
hw441@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Owen Warnock |
Affiliated Lecturer |
ohw21@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Joseph Watson |
Research Associate |
jmw239@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Stephen Watson |
srw68@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Stephen Watterson |
Professor of Private Law; Chair of the Degree Committee |
sw603@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Lea Weimann |
lew63@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Isaac Weldon |
Senior Research Associate, Centre for Law, Medicine & Life Sciences |
iw313@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Carly Whelan |
csw55@cam.ac.uk |
Ms Jane Whelehan |
Library Assistant (Metadata) |
jw2010@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Jake Widjaya |
Research Assistant |
jsjw2@cam.ac.uk |
Jonas Wieschollek |
Legal peripheralization: The Russian colonization of Central Asia (PhD project) |
jbw35@cam.ac.uk |
Professor PO Wikstrom |
Professor of Ecological and Developmental Criminology (Institute of Criminology) |
pow20@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Richard Williams |
University Associate Professor; Director of the LLM |
Toni Williams |
Senior Tutor (Girton College) |
gaw44@cam.ac.uk |
Mr David F. Wills |
Squire Law Librarian |
dfw1003@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Dame Sarah Worthington |
Downing Professor Emeritus of the Laws of England |
sew1003@cam.ac.uk |
Professor David Yates |
ady21@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Rumiana Yotova |
Assistant Professor in International Law; Fellow and Director of Studies in Law (Gonville & Caius College) |
rvy21@cam.ac.uk |
Professor Alison Young |
Sir David Williams Professor of Public Law; Director of Research |
aly23@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Forest Yu |
fy249@cam.ac.uk |
Kevin Zou |
Proprietary Remedies in Equity |
ktz20@cam.ac.uk |
Mr Zhenbin Zuo |
zz337@cam.ac.uk |